South African Historical Journal

Verfügbarkeit: nicht zugänglich
Volltext online seit: Jg. 1 , H. 1 (1969)
Verlag: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, South African Historical Society
ZDB Nummer: 2067895-2
Schlagwort(e): Landesgeschichte Südafrika
E-ISSN(s): 1726-1686
P-ISSN(s): 0258-2473
Form: Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Kosten: kostenpflichtig
Bemerkung: The South African Historical Journal is published bi-annually by the South African Historical Society. It is devoted to articles on southern African history based on original research, historiographical overviews, critical reviews and review articles.The editorial team welcomes submissions of articles, each of which is evaluated by members of the editorial board or other referees. The editorial team also solicits articles for special features. Recent issues have included features on Gender and History; the South African War; the Internet; Secrecy, Lies and History; and Heritage in South Africa.
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