Developing and Implementing Sustainability-based Solutions for Bio-based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe — BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE

Project consortium kick-off meeting in Hamburg.

The BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project addresses the topic of sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and at sea. It intends to develop sustainable strategies and solutions for bio-plastic products. This shall include innovative product design and business models facilitating efficient reuse and recycling strategies and solutions, including ensuring the safety of recycled materials when these are used for toys or packaging foodstuffs. Furthermore, the project will process approaches that focus on circular innovation for the bio-plastics system as a whole. These will be deployed to support policymaking, innovation and technology transfer.

The project needs to be viewed not only as a research project but also as an intervention which takes into account the complex and dynamic processes of societal transformation triggered by a new awareness on the use of bioplastic. It is expected that BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE will deliver strategic networking and research across Europe.

Twenty-two partners are involved in this project, which is coordinated by HAW Hamburg. The partners are located in the EU, except from one partner in Malaysia. It is expected that the network will be expanded during the execution of the project and will ultimately involve 50 European cites. This international project group will work on the project from October 2019 until the end of September 2023.

Further information:  Jelena.Barbir (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de



European Commission
Faculty of Life Sciences