Biotechnology – technology of the future

Biotechnology combines the terms 'life' and 'technology'. It is an interdisciplinary science that unites engineering, biology, chemistry, medicine, physics and other subdisciplines. The oldest biotechnological processes include the production of beer, wine, and milk products. Modern biotechnological products include therapeutic antibodies to fight cancer or auto-immune diseases.

Biotechnology is the development, operation and optimisation of biotechnological processes in laboratories, pilot plants and production. It is the design and marketing of accessories, devices and entire biotechnological production plants. It is the development and production of immunological and biomolecular reagents and test kits.

Biotechnology includes services related to food biotechnology, bioanalytics, waste treatement, soil and water remediation, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Depending on the source of the micro-organisms and cells used or how the technology is applied, the different areas of biotechnology are categorised by colour:

  •     Blue: marine products
  •     Brown: technical and environmental biotechnology
  •     Grey: waste management
  •     Green: agricultural and plant biotechnology
  •     Red: medicine and pharmaceuticals
  •     White: industrial biotechnology
  •     Yellow: food production and biotechnology with insects

At the HAW Hamburg Life Sciences campus, the focus is on brown, red and white biotechnology.

Degree courses Degree courses

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Address Address


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Biotechnology
Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg


Postal address

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Biotechnology
P.O. Box 10 03 61
20002 Hamburg
