Experts on health

The focus of the health sciences is on improving population health by identifying health challenges and designing preventative measures, health promotion activities and appropriate healthcare based on this knowledge.

From issues such as the explosion of costs in the healthcare system to the shortage of doctors and healthcare staff, demographic developments, and obesity, we examine and address the physical, psychological and social conditions surrounding health and illness in our society – from both an academic and a practical perspective.

We are interested in identifying and analysing how health and illness progress as well as the factors influencing health and illness, and in developing and evaluating needs-based care based on this analysis. Our students acquire the necessary subject-related and methodological knowledge to do this, together with the ability to undertake academic work and act in a socially responsible manner.

The Health Sciences degree courses are interdisciplinary in nature. This prepares students for the diverse fields of work in the healthcare sector, including healthcare and prevention, epidemiology and statisics, project and quality management, occupational health management, healthcare policy and healthcare economics.

Acting head of department

Deputy head of department

Degree courses Degree courses

Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Health Sciences
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Public Health
Master of Public Health (MPH)

Address Address


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Health Sciences
Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg


Postal address

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Health Sciences
P.O. Box 10 03 61
20002 Hamburg



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