Food Science

Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master's degree

This M.Sc. degree course in Food Science, centring on both research and practical application, spans a number of academic disciplines, fusing knowledge and skills in technology, physics, sensory systems, biology, physiology and markets into solid foundations for a profound and expert awareness of issues around the processing and production of foodstuffs.

As a food expert in training on this course, you’ll learn how to analyse the properties, effects and significance of various foodstuffs for people, as well as preparing for careers in production and R&D in the F&B sector, designing and implementing experimental set-ups, analysing and discussing the results, and translating these findings into practice.

Good reasons to study Food Science at HAW Hamburg


The right course for you?


Course content and structure


Admission requirements


Application process


Questions about applications, admissions and degree courses


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