Communication Design

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master's degree

Working across media: Designing communication in a visual society 

To structure and communicate information in our highly media-driven society, communication designers utilise diverse types of media to plan, design and realise communications products and processes – via images, text and sound.  

This Master's degree course builds on and deepens the skills acquired in the Bachelor's degree course. The focus here is on applying holistic thinking that draws on knowledge and skills from numerous areas to develop communications products that are both creative and socially responsible. 

These abilities are increasingly in demand in communications and media professions in the cultural, educational and economic sectors. The production of content that meets ethical criteria is a particular challenge in our highly visual world. Additionally, the designing of communications products is no longer limited to traditional channels. Instead, comprehensive systems that can also provide complex information for diverse media and channels are necessary. Students in the Communication Design Master's degree course at HAW Hamburg are able to further develop and refine these skills.

Good reasons to study Communication Design at HAW Hamburg


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