Getting a work permit

All students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the semester.

a) Students from EU countries do not need a work permit to work during their studies.

b) Students from non-EU countries are allowed to work a maximum of 140 days (or 280 half days) per year.

  • The days are calculated per calendar year (between January and December), which means if your start your studies in September you will have your full 140 days until December.
  • If you work less than four hours it is considered a “half-day”.
  • Alternative calculation: you are allowed to work 2 ½ days per week.
  • During the semester breaks and holidays you are allowed to work unlimited. At the end it is calculated only as 2 ½ days.

If you take up part-time employment that involves more than 140 days per year, you need a work permit. If you are uncertain or have questions, please contact the Immigration Office or the Federal Employment Agency.

The 140-day rule and the exceptions

Students from non-EU countries can work 140 days or 280 half days per year without a work permit (section 16, paragraph 3 of the AufenthG [federal residency act]). 

1 day = 8 hours; half day = 4 hours

If you work more than four hours but less than eight hours on one day, this still counts as a full day. If you earn more than €400 per month, you are required to pay German social security contributions.

Student jobs:
The 140-day rule does NOT apply to student jobs. Student jobs refer to tutoring and student assistant positions at the university or university-related positions (e.g. at dormitories, research institutes, libraries)

Practicums, Bachelor's and Master's theses:
If a practicum is an obligatory element of your degree course, it does not fall under the 140-day rule. You do not require a work permit. This also applies for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis, whether you complete it at a business, the university or a research institute.

After you have completed your studies / EU Blue Card

Once they have completed their studies, international students are permitted to remain in Germany for 18 months in order to find a job. This position must match your qualifications. During this time you are required to have enough money to cover your living expenses. You are permitted to work an unlimited number of days/hours.

EU Blue Card
In 2012 Germany introduced the EU Blue Card for skilled graduates from non-EU countries. The requirements are a university degree and proof of employment in Germany.