BUNTE HÄNDE – For more diversity!

We are BUNTE HÄNDE, the student project of the Centre for Migration Research and Integration Practice at HAW Hamburg. Since August 2018, students with a refugee background, international students and German students have been supporting youths and young adults with a refugee background to help them succeed at their studies.
We organise leisure and cultural activities, are politically active in pursuit of an open and democratic society, and provide academic and general support to international students and students with refugee experience.
You are welcome to join us, regardless of your religion, your gender, your sexual orientation, your social background, etc. We will accompany and support you on your path. Come by and get involved!
Our projects:
Campus Global
You've just started studying at HAW Hamburg and want to know how everything works? Then take advantage of the BUNTE HÄNDE study guides and the writing and computer science workshops and start settling in right away!
The study guides provide information and advice in German, Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, etc. and know from their own experience what can trip you up when you first start at university. It's no problem if you didn't grow up with the German language: the writing workshop will provide language corrections for academic texts, internship applications or scholarship applications at no cost. At HAW Hamburg there are a lot of technical degree courses, and each one includes computer science. Get in-person advice at the computer science workshop, where you can expand your knowledge and better understand the programming languages C, C++, Java and Ruby in various languages (Arabic, German, Kurdish, Persian).
Politically active for an open society!
At Bunte Hände we are politically active in support of unity and an open, democratic society. And as people with refugee backgrounds, we speak up at political events and actions so that we can speak for ourselves. It's about time that we speak for ourselves rather than being talked about!
As part of our political engagement, Bunte Hände works together with various civil society organisations such as Pro Asyl, Caritas, Diakonie, Paritätischer Gesamtverband, Seebrücke and Mehr Demokratie. For example, two representatives from Bunte Hände gave a speech at the 'One Europe for everyone' demonstration in 2020.
Leisure activities, culture and politics
'Working all the time is no good; people need to have fun and relax!'
So take part in our leisure and cultural activities at HAW Hamburg. We organise a programme of events each semester, and all students are welcome to attend. There's a party at the beginning of the semester (e.g. on Nouruz), games evenings, day trips, bowling or movie nights, and an end-of-semester party. We also organise a joint Iftar during Ramadan.
Not only are our activities fun, but you'll also get to know a lot of people. This helps make us a strong community.

Bunte Hände (Colourful Hands) is the student project of the Centre for Migration Research and Integration Practice at HAW Hamburg. Students with a refugee background, international students and German students support youths and young adults with a refugee background with the aim of helping them succeed at their studies. Join us!
Contact information
Bunte Hände – For more diversity!
Centre for Migration Research and Integration Practice
Steindamm 105, fourth floor
20099 Hamburg