In collaboration with the partners involved, the IWs project is developing concepts for the hydraulic integration of a medium-depth geothermal plant into the local heating system. The main task of HAW Hamburg is to model the heating system, simulatively test control and network expansion concepts and transfer a system model to the sub-project IW³-IWm - Marketplace.
At the same time, all new systems will be integrated into the overall system network via ICT to be able to operate on a heating marketplace. The technical interfaces required for this will be developed and implemented in collaboration with the partners.
To be able to calculate the overall system network in detail, the project team needs to enhance the simulation architecture already developed in the working group. For example, new models and optimisation of the calculation speed are necessary.
In the future, flexibility from decentralised storage facilities and consumers should also be used in district heating systems. To make this flexibility available, the project team will develop load forecasts and control algorithms. These will serve as input for the planning process in the heating market in the subproject “IW³-IWm Heat Marketplace”.
In order to efficiently monitor and control grid operation with regard to a marketplace, the grid conditions must be known. To determine these, known network monitoring methods are analysed and selected and implemented for the use in the district heating system in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. Simulation modelling and status estimation will be used to compensate the lack of sensor technology.