The X-Energy sub-project X-Radar has analysed the effect of aircraft detection lighting systems (ADLS) for wind turbines on the acceptance of wind energy within the population. ADLS reduce the obstruction lighting on wind turbines, which consists of red flashing lights necessary for air-traffic safety, by over 90 per cent at night, simply by switching the light on only when aircraft are actually in the vicinity. As part of the project, an ADLS using transponder technology was procured, installed and put into operation in Hamburg Bergedorf. In order to analyse the effects of ADLS on resident’ acceptance, representative, quantitative surveys were conducted on site in the Bergedorf region as well as in Nordfriesland before and after installation. In addition, qualitative interviews with experts on the subject of ADLS were conducted with regard to the development and introduction process.
The results of the quantitative surveys indicate above all a generally high level of acceptance of wind energy, comparatively low levels of disturbance caused by the lighting and a low level of knowledge about ADLS technology. The perception of the lighting differs significantly depending on the context - a higher awareness in rural areas with a high wind power density (Nordfriesland) and a marginal awareness in areas close to the city with few turbines (Hamburg-Bergedorf). The legal situation and the regulatory framework changed several times during the project term and during the introduction process and, according to the experts interviewed in the field, often had a negative impact on the certainty of expectations of operators and companies. A phased equipping process customised to site-specific conditions would have potentially enabled a more orderly implementation process than the blanket equipment obligation issued with a tight deadline.