Prof. Dr. Ralf Reintjes

Department of Health Sciences
Professor für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung

Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg

Room N3.25

T +49 40 428 75-6104

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Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung / Epidemiology and Public Health Surveillance

Research and Project Management

Focus areas/Expertise

Epidemiologie mit Schwerpunkten in der Untersuchung von Infektionskrankheiten, Expertise in Surveillance und Pandemic Preparedness auf nationaler Ebene sowie international (vorallem Europa, Asien und Afrika), Gesundheitssystemforschung


  • BMG Projekt
    Studiezur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit einer internetbasierten ‚SozialeNormen‘-Intervention zur Prävention und Reduktion von Substanzkonsum beiStudierenden in vier Regionen Deutschlands(INSIST-Projekt)
  • EU Project – EC 7thFramework Programme (grant agreement number 278763)
    “EffectiveCommunication in Outbreak Management: development of an evidence-based tool forEurope" (E-com@EU); (senior scientist and WP coordinator)
  • EU Project – EC HealthProgramme (grant agreement number 20101105)
    “Screening for hepatitis B and C among migrants in the European Union”(EU-HEP-SCREEN); (senior scientist and WP coordinator)

Thesis (B.A./M.A.) and PhD supervision

Mehr als 150 betreute Arbeiten zu verschiedensten Gebieten der Gesundheitswissenschaften.

Betreute Doktorarbeiten

Betreuung von Doktorarbeiten und Beteiligung an Promotionskommissionen in Deutschland, Dänemark, Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Finnland.



Hawker J, Begg NT, Blair I, Reintjes R, Weinberg J,Ekdahl K. Communicable Disease Control and Health Protection Handbook. 3rdedition. Wiley-Blackwells, Oxford 2012, ASIN: B006XNJBB2

Reintjes R, Klein S. (eds.) Gesundheitsberichterstattung undSurveillance: Messen, Entscheiden, Handeln. VerlagHans Huber, Bern 2007, ISBN: 3-456-84441-7

Hawker J, Begg NT, Blair I, Reintjes R, Weinberg J.Communicable Disease Control Handbook. 2nd edition. BlackwellPublishing, Oxford 2005, ISBN: 1-4051-2424-5

Krämer A., Reintjes R. (Hrsg.)Infektionsepidemiologie: Methoden, moderne Surveillance, mathematische Modelle, Global Public Health. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN: 3-540-42764-3

Hawker J, Begg NT, Blair I, Reintjes R, Weinberg J.Communicable Disease Control Handbook. 1st edition. BlackwellScience, Oxford 2001, ISBN: 0-632-05649-5

Reintjes R. (Hrsg.)Epidemiologie und Surveillance von Infektionskrankheiten. lögd:Wissenschaftliche Reihe, Bielefeld 2001, ISBN: 3-88139-104-5

Brand H, Camaroni I,Gill N, Fulop N, MacLehose L, McKee M, ReintjesR, Schäfer O, Weinberg J. An evaluation of the arrangements formanaging an epidemiological emergency involving more than one EU member state. lögd:Wissenschaftliche Reihe, Bielefeld 2000, ISBN: 3-88139-100-2


Artikelin peer reviewed Journals

Reintjes R. Variation matters: Epidemiological Surveillance in Europe. Journal of Health Politics, Policy andLaw 2012 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]

Chu JJ, Wörmann T, Popp J, Pätzelt G, Akmatov MK,Krämer A, Reintjes R. Changing epidemiology of Hepatitis B andmigration—a comparison of six Northern and North-Western European countries. European Journal of Public Health2012 Jun 8. (impact factor 2011: 4.713)

van der Weijden CP, Stein ML, Jacobi AJ,Kretzschmar ME, Reintjes R, van Steenbergen JE, Timen AA. Choosing pandemic parameters forpandemic preparedness planning: A comparison of pandemic scenarios prior to andfollowing the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic. Health Policy 2012 Jun 26. [Epub ahead of print] (impactfactor 2011: 1.658)

Akmatov MK, Mikolajczyk RT, Krumkamp R, Wörmann T, Chu JJ, Paetzelt G, ReintjesR, Pessler F, Krämer A. Availability of indicators of migration in thesurveillance of HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis B in the European Union – ashort note. J Public Health 2012;DOI 10.1007/s10389-011-0488-1 (impact factor 2011: 2.063)

Rudge JW, Hanvoravongchai P, Krumkamp R, ChavezI, Adisasmito W, Chau PN, Phommasak B, Putthasri W, Shih CS, Stein M, Timen A,Touch S, Reintjes R, Coker R; AsiaFluCap Project Consortium. Health system resource gaps andassociated mortality from pandemic influenza across six Asian territories.PLoS One 2012; 7(2):e31800. (impactfactor 2010: 4.411)

Sahal N, Reintjes R, Eltayeb EM, Aro AR. Feasibility of implementingrecommendations to improve communicable diseases surveillance--a modifiedDelphi study.Afr HealthSci. 2011; Suppl 1:S93-9. (impact factor 2011: 0.412)

Sahal N, Reintjes R, Mahgoub AE, Aro AR. Staff views about the quality of theCommunicable Diseases Surveillance System in Khartoum State, Sudan, 2005-2007:a qualitative study. EastMediterr Health J. 2011 Jul;17(7):565-9.

Sahal N, Reintjes R, Eltayeb EM, Aro AR.Assessment of core activities and supportive functions for the communicablediseases surveillance system in Khartoum state, Sudan, 2005–2007. Eastern Mediterranean HealthJournal 2010; 16(12): 1204-1210

KrumkampR, Mounier-Jack S, Ahmad AA, Reintjes R, Coker R. Evaluatinghealth systems’ preparedness for emerging infectious diseases: A novelconceptual and analytic framework. HealthPolicy 2010 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print] (impact factor2009: 1,334)

vonBorczyskowski A, Lindblad F,Vinnerljung B,Reintjes R,Hjern A.Familial factors and suicide: an adoption study in a Swedish National Cohort. Psychol Med.2010 Jul 7:1-10. [Epub ahead of print] (impact factor 2009: 5,012)

Syed AM,Hjarnoe L,Krumkramp R,Reintjes R,Aro AR.Developing policy options for SARS and SARS-like diseases - a <st1:place w:st="on">Delphi</st1:place>study. Global Public Health. 2010 Feb 16:1-13.

Ahmad AA, Krumkamp R, RichardusJH, ReintjesR. Prävention und Kontrolle von pandemischen Infektionskrankheiten: DasEU-Projekt SARSControl. Das Gesundheitswesen 2009Jun; 71(6):351-357. (impact factor 2006: 0,716)

Ahmad AA, Krumkamp R, Reintjes R. ControllingSARS: A review on China ’sresponse compared to other SARS affected countries. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2009Nov; 14 Suppl 1:36-45. (impact factor 2006: 2.595)

Reintjes R, Popp J. Methodenfür den ÖGD: Strategie zur Auswertung epidemiologischer Fall−Kontroll−Studien. Das Gesundheitswesen 2009 May; 71(5):313-318;quiz 319-320.  (impact factor2006: 0,716)

Krumkamp R, Ahmad AA, KassenA, Hjarnoe L, Syed AM, Aro AR, Reintjes R. Evaluation of national pandemic management policies-Ahazard analysis of critical control points approach. Health Policy. 2009 Sep; 92(1):21-26. (impactfactor 2009: 1,334)

Sahal N, Reintjes R, Aro AR. Communicable diseases surveillancelessons learned from developed and developing countries: Literature review. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health2009 Mar; 37(2):187-200. (impact factor 2008: 1.537)

Nennecke A, Hentschel S, ReintjesR. Cancer survival in Hamburg 1995-2003: A population-based analysis ofselected sites. Acta Oncologica2009; 48(1):34-43. (impact factor 2007: 2,274)

Krumkamp R, Duerr H, Reintjes R, Ahmad A,Kassen A, Eichner M. Impact of public health interventions in controlling thespread of SARS; Modelling of intervention scenarios. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2009Jan; 212(1):67-75. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

Coulombier D, Heppner C, Fabiansson S,Tarantola A, Cochet A, Kreidl P, Reintjes R. Melamine contaminationof dairy products in China--public health impact on citizens of the EuropeanUnion. Euro Surveillance. 2008Oct 2; 13(40). (impact factor: 6.15)

Glitza IC, Ehrhard I, Müller-PebodyB, ReintjesR, Breuer T, Ammon A, Sonntag H-G. LongitudinalStudy of Meningococcal Carrier Rates in Teenagers. International Journal of Hygiene andEnvironmental Health 2008 Jul; 211(3-4):263-272. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

Krumkamp R, Reintjes R, Dirksen-Fischer M. A case-case study of a salmonella outbreak:an epidemiologic method to analyse surveillance data. International Journal of Hygiene andEnvironmental Health 2008; 211(1-2): 163-167. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

Tazi L, Reintjes R, Bañuls A.Tuberculosis transmission in a high incidence area: a retrospective molecularepidemiological study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Casablanca Morocco .Infection, Genetics and Evolution2007 Sep; 7(5): 636-644. (impact factor 2005: 3.554)

Ridder-Schaphorn S, Ratjen F, Dübbers A, Häberle J, Falk S, Küster P,Schuster A, Mellies U, Löwe B, Reintjes R, Peters G, Kahl BC.Longitudinal Study of Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Carriage in Young CysticFibrosis Patients – A Risk Factor for Lower Airway Infection? Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2007; 45(9): 2979-2984. (impact factor 3.537)

Reintjes R,Thelen M, Reiche R, Czohan A. Benchmarking National Surveillance Systems; A newtool for the comparison of communicable disease surveillance and control in Europe. EuropeanJournal of Public Health, 2007 17: 375-380. (impact factor 2006: 1.481)

ReintjesR, Wiessing LG. 2nd-generation HIV surveillanceand injecting drug use: uncovering the epidemiological surveillance ice-berg. International Journal of Public Health 2007; 52:166–172. (impact factor 2006: 1.013)

Lejars M, Pitigon D, Teleman M,Nicolaiciuc D, Reintjes R. Implementing asecond-generation HIV-surveillance system in Romania: Experiences andchallenges. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - The Middle European Journal of Medicine 2007; 119 (7-8): 242-247. (impact factor 2009: 0.995)

Popp J, Profener F, Stappenbeck J, Reintjes R, Weber P. Der Einfluss des Fachkrafteanteils auf die Dekubitusinzidenz in Pflegeheimen. Pflege, 2006; 19(5): 303-307.

von Sengbusch S, Müller-Godeffroy E, HägarS, Reintjes R, Hiort O andWagner V. Mobile Diabetes Education and Care: Intervention for Children andYouth with Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Areas of Northern Germany. Diabetic Med, 2006; 23 (2):122-127. (impact factor2006: 2.484)

Mellmann A,Friedrich AW, Rosenkötter N, Rothgänger J, Karch H, Reintjes R, Harmsen D.Automated DNA Sequence-Based Early-Warning System for MRSA Outbreak Detectionin Hospitals. PLoS Medicine,2006; 3 (3): e33 (impact factor 2005: 13,8)

S. Ridder-Schaphorn, C. Breitkopf, B. Ritzerfeld, A.Dübbers, J. Häberle, S. Falk, P. Küster, A. Schuster, E. Ratjen, U. Mellies, B.Löwe, R. Reintjes, G. Peters, B.C. Kahl. Dynamics ofthe Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage and upper airwaycolonization/infection in young Cystic Fibrosis patients. Journal of CysticFibrosis, 2006; 5 (Suppl. 1): S19 (impact factor: 2.626)

Reintjes R, Krumkamp R. InfektionsepidemiologischeMethoden für den ÖGD: Fall-Kontrollfall-Vergleiche als Brücke zwischen Praxis,Surveillance und Epidemiologie. DasGesundheitswesen, 2005; 67 (12):840-844. (impactfactor 2006: 0,716)

Reintjes R, Kajueter H, Ehrhard I, van TreeckU, Ammon A. Applying a case-crossover study design to examine transientexposures in the transmission of N. meningitides. European Journal of Epidemiology, 2005; 20 (7): 629 – 633. (impactfactor 2008: 2,572)

Hellenbrand W, Schöneberg I, Pfaff G, Kramer M, Steng G, Reintjes R, Breuer T. Die Relevanz der Coxelliose bei Tieren für dasQ-Fieber beim Menschen - Möglichkeiten der Kontrolle und Prävention. TierärztlichePraxis; 2005; 33 (G): 5-11. (impact factor 2003: 0.985)

Fell G, David C, Reintjes R.Impfungen im frühen Kindesalter –Ergebnisse einer epidemiologischen Querschnittstudie in Hamburg. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2005; 67 (1):27-32. (impact factor 2006: 0,716)

Layh K, Reintjes R. The influence exercised by the spouse or partneron diabetics - assessing the participation of spouses or lifelong associates inintensive inpatient training--an epidemiological study. Das Gesundheitswesen.2003; 65 (11):636-640. (impact factor 2006: 0,716)

Reintjes R, Dedushaj I, Gjini A, Jorgensen TR,Cotter B, Lieftucht A, Dennis D, D`Ancona FP, Grunow R, Kosoy M, Kalaveshi A,Gashi L, Humolli I. Tularemia outbreak investigation in Kosovo: Case controland environmental studies. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2002; 8(1): 68-73. (impact factor 2006: 5.094)

Reintjes R, Kistemann T, MacLehose L, McKee M,Gill N, Weinberg J, Schäfer O, Camaroni I, Fulop N, Brand H. Detection andresponse to a Meningococcal Disease Outbreak following a youth footballtournament with teams from four European countries International Journalof Hygiene and Environmental Health 2002; 205 (4): 291-296. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

Dangendorf F, Herbst S, Reintjes R, Kistemann T. Spatialpatterns of diarrhoeal illnesses with regard to water supply structures. InternationalJournal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2002; 205: 183-191. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

MacLehose L, Brand B, Camaroni I, Fulop N,Gill N, Reintjes R, Schäfer O, McKee M, Weinberg J. Communicable disease outbreaks involving more than onecountry: systems approach to evaluating the response. British MedicalJournal  2001; 323:861-863. (impact factor 2006: 9.245)

Reintjes R, Nolte E, Shamsul B, Brand H, Krämer A, McKee M. Infectious Diseases before and after German unification:Trends in mortality and morbidity. European Journal of Epidemiology2001;17 (12): 1105-1110. (impactfactor 2006: 2,572)

Reintjes R, Baumeister HG, Coulombier D. Infectious disease surveillance in North Rhine-Westphalia: First steps in thedevelopment of an early warning system. International Journal of Hygieneand Environmental Health 2001; 203 (3): 195-199. (impact factor 2006: 1.733)

Reintjes R, de Boer A, van Pelt W, Mintjes-de Groot J. Simpson\\\'s Paradox: an example from hospital epidemiology. Epidemiology, 2000; 11: 81-83. (impact factor 2006: 4.3)

Litz D, Reintjes R, Wille L, Krämer A. Modern surveillance ofinfectious diseases - necessary structures and elements for an effectivemonitoring system. Stud HealthTechnol Inform 2000; 77: 123-127.

Reintjes R, Hellenbrand W, Düsterhaus A. Q-Fieber-Ausbruchin Dortmund im Sommer 1999. Ergebnisseeiner epidemiologischen Ausbruchsuntersuchung. Das Gesundheitswesen2000; 62: 609-614. (impact factor 2006: 0,716)

Reintjes R, de Boer A. Simpson\\\'s Paradox inMeta-Analysis; Two of the Authors Reply. Epidemiology 2000; 11:613-614. (impact factor 2006: 4.3)

Ahrens W, Babitsch B, Bellach B, Brasche S, Brenner H, Enderlein G, HalinaGreiser K, Hense H, Hoffmann W, Jahn I, Kirschner W, Kohlmann T, Liese A,Möhner M, Mueller U, Reintjes R,Stang A, Wjst M. Guidelines and recommendations for Good EpidemiologicalPractice (GEP). Das Gesundheitswesen 2000; 62: 295-302. (impact factor2006: 0,716)

Ronveaux O, Vos D, Bosman A, Brandwijk K,Vinjé J, Koopmans M, Reintjes R.An outbreak of Norwark-like virus gastroenteritis in a nursing home in Rotterdam. Eurosurveillance2000; 5: 54-57 (impact factor: 6.15)

Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE, Reintjes R, Spanjaard L et al. Meningococcal carriage in relationto an outbreak of invasive disease due to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C inThe Netherlands. Journal of Infection 1999; 39 (1): 42-48. (impact factor 2006: 2.037)

Reintjes R, PohleM, Vieth U, Lyytikainen O, Timm, Schreier E, Petersen L. Disease incidence andrisk factors for illness during a large, community wide echovirus 30 outbreakin Germany. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1999; 18:104-108. (impact factor 1999: 2.262)

Reintjes R, Termorshuizen F, Laar MJW van de. Assessing the sensitivity of STDsurveillance in the Netherlands;an application of the capture-recapture method. Epidemiology andInfection 1999; 122: 97-102. (impact factor 1999: 1.911)

Reintjes R, Bosman A, Zwart de O et al.Outbreak of hepatitis A among homosexual men in Rotterdam associated with visits todarkrooms. Communicable Disease and Public Health 1999; 2: 43-46.

Reintjes R, Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE. Carriageof meningococci in contacts of patients with meningococcal disease; Age andother risk factors need to be taken into account. British Medical Journal1999; 318: 665-666. (impact factor 2006: 9.245)

Reintjes R, Bosman A, Zwart de O. [Screeningpolicy for travellers from Rotterdam with respect to hepatitis A antibodiesbefore immunisation: favourable cost-benefit ratio] (auf Niederländisch). NederlandsTijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 1999; 143 (35): 1777-1780. (impact factor 1999: 0.681)

Reintjes R, Bosman A, Buitenwerf J.[Parvovirus B19 infection during pregnancy: a cause for non-immune hydropsfoetalis] (auf Niederländisch). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde1999; 143: 541-542. (impact factor 1999: 0.681)

Sprenger MJW, Bootsma PA, Reintjes R. [Infectious diseasesurveillance in Europe] (auf Niederländisch). Nederlands Tijdschrift voorGeneeskunde 199831;142(44):2418-2423. (impact factor 1999: 0.681)

Ronveaux O, Bosman A, Reintjes R, Conyn-van Spaendonck M. Descriptive epidemiologyof exanthema in the Rotterdam region, January 1997 to June 1998. Eurosurveillance1998; 3: 122-124 (impact factor: 6.15)

Reintjes R, Hoek C. Deaths associated withivermectin for scabies. The Lancet 1997; 350 (9072): 215. (impact factor 2006: 25.8)

Braak H., Braak E., Bohl J., Reintjes R. Age, neurofibrillarychanges, Ab-amyloid and the onset of Alzheimer\\\'s disease. NeuroscienceLetters 1996; 210: 87-90. (impact factor 2006: 2.605)



Reintjes R, McKee M. Infectiousdiseases. In: Mackenbach J & McKee M. Successes and failures of health policy in Europe over four decades: Divergingtrends, converging challenges. OpenUniversity Press, Oxford (im Druck)

Reintjes R, Zanuzdana A. Outbreakinvestigations. Pp.159-176. In: Krämer A, Kretzschmar M, Krickeberg K (eds.). Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology:Concepts, Methods, Mathematical Models, and Public Health. Springer, Berlin 2010. ISBN-10: 0387938346; ISBN-13:978-0387938349

Reintjes R, Krickeberg K.Epidemiological surveillance. Pp.143-158. In: Krämer A, Kretzschmar M, Krickeberg K (eds.). Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology:Concepts, Methods, Mathematical Models, and Public Health. Springer, Berlin 2010. ISBN-10: 0387938346; ISBN-13:978-0387938349

Klein S, Reintjes R. Gesundheitsberichterstattungund Surveillance – von der Lehre in die Praxis. In: Kuhn J, Böcken J(Hrsg.). Verwaltete Gesundheit: Konzepte der Gesundheitsberichterstattung inder Diskussion. Pp 223-237. Mabuse-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2009,ISBN: 978-3-940529-46-6

Reintjes R.International and European responses to the threat of communicable diseases. In: Coker R, AtunR and McKee M (eds.). Health Systems and the Challenge of CommunicableDiseases: Experiences from Europe and Latin America.Open UniversityPress, London2008, ISBN13: 978-033523366-3, ISBN10: 033523366-X

Reintjes R.Epidemiologyand Policy Research to Control the Risk of Infectious Diseases in Europe. In: Proceedings of the European healthconference, “Challenges of Delivering Health in the Enlarged Europe –Experience and Perspectives from Member States and AssociatedCountries. Pp.236-239, Bulgaria 2006

Reintjes R, Thelen M. Surveillance, Kontrolle und Prävention vonInfektionskrankheiten – eine internationale Aufgabe. In: Razum O, ZeebH, Laaser U (eds.). Globalisierung – Gerechtigkeit – Gesundheit; Eineinternational vergleichende Einführung in Public Health. Pp 189-200, Verlag: Hans Huber, Bern 2006, ISBN 3-456-84354-2

Reintjes R,Queste A. [Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the field of epidemiology– an introduction]. In: Schweikart J and Kistemann T (eds.) Geoinformationssystemeim Gesundheitswesen. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. pp.133-144, Wichmann-Verlag,Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-87907-394-5

ReintjesR. [Data analysis and use atstate level. Opportunities due tothe infectious disease protection law]. In: Grunow-Lutter V. und Plümer K. D. (eds.) Initiativenkommunaler Gesundheitspolitik. Berichte & Materialien Bd. 18, pp.91-98, Akademiefür öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 3-9807313-0-8

ReintjesR, Hensel G, Baumeister HG. [HIV- and AIDS-Epidemiology in NorthRhine-Westphalia]. In: Brockmeyer NH et al. (eds.) HIV-Infekt:Epidemiologie, Prävention, Pathogenese, Diagnostik, Therapie,Psycho-Soziologie; pp.120-126. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000, ISBN 3-540-66478-5

Reintjes R. [Modern Infectious Disease Surveillance: Supportingprevention and control]. In: 2. Jahrestagung des lögd für den ÖGD pp.89-98. lögd:Wissenschaftliche Reihe, Bielefeld 2000, ISBN 3-88139-098-7

Reintjes R., Reiche R., Wenk-Lang A. [The health care system: Amarket system and/or state planning]. In: Gesundheit, Bürokratie, Managed Care. Jahrbuch für kritische Medizin27, pp.71-81. Argument-Verlag, Hamburg 1997, ISBN 3-88619-806-5

Reintjes R. [Cataract surgery: Obstacles for increasing daycare surgery. Results from Germany andEngland.] Sitzungsbericht der 158. Versammlung des VereinsRheinisch-Westfälischer Augenärzte 1996, pp. 39-44
