Umgebungsbedingungen von Wind- und Meeresenergieanlagen, Konstruktion, CAD
Environmental conditions of wind and marine renewable energy systems, mechanical design, CAD
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management
Berliner Tor 11
20099 Hamburg
Room 222
Umgebungsbedingungen von Wind- und Meeresenergieanlagen, Konstruktion, CAD
Environmental conditions of wind and marine renewable energy systems, mechanical design, CAD
Konzeptdesign von Windenergieanlagen
Forschungsprojekt X2B-Floating: Gegenüberstellung schwimmender Zwei- und Dreiblattwindenergieanlagen
Forschungsprojekt X-Rotor Vergleich von Zwei- und Dreiblattwindenergieanlagen
Windenergienutzung bei Marsmissionen
concept design of wind turbines
research project X2B Floating: comparison of two- and three-bladed flaoting wind turbines
research project X-Rotor: comparison of two- and three-bladed wind turbines
use of wind energy for Mars missions
seit 2016 Professorin für Windenergie und virtuelle Produktentwicklung an der HAW Hamburg
2011 - 2016 Promotion "Pendelendanschläge bei Zweiblatt-Windenergieanlagen"
2009 - 2011 Masterstudium "Nachhaltige Enegiesysteme" HAW Hamburg
2003 - 2009 Daimler AG, Sindelfingen: Entwicklungsingenieurin für Brennstoffzellen- und Elektrofahrzeuge
1999 - 2002 Studium Maschinenbau an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim
Schorbach, Vera and Tilo Weiland. "Wind as a back-up energy source for mars missions" Acta Astronautica 2021,
Schütt, Marcel, Fabian Anstock, and Vera Schorbach. "A procedure to redesign a comparable blade structure of a two-bladed turbine based on a three-bladed reference" Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 012035). IOP Publishing, 2021
Anstock, Fabian, and Vera Schorbach. "The effect of a speed exclusion zone and active tower dampers on an upwind fixed-hub two-bladed 20 MW wind turbine" Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2018. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2021
Anstock, Fabian, and Vera Schorbach. "A control cost criterion for controller tuning of two-and three-bladed 20 MW offshore wind turbines."
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1618. No. 2. IOP Publishing, 2020.
Schütt, Marcel, Fabian Anstock, and Vera Schorbach. "Progressive structural scaling of a 20 MW two-bladed offshore wind turbine rotor blade examined by finite element analyses."
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1618. No. 5. IOP Publishing, 2020.
Marcel Schütt, Fabian Anstock und Vera Schorbach: Hub design potentials for two-bladed 20 MW offshore wind turbines
Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Irland 2019
Fabian Anstock, Marcel Schütt und Vera Schorbach: Comparing two- and three-bladed 20 MW wind turbines on the basis of an equal absolute power curve
Wind Europe Conference 2019
Fabian Anstock, Marcel Schütt und Vera Schorbach: New approach on the comparability of two- and three-bladed 20 MW offshore wind turbines
EERA DeepWind 2019
Schorbach, Vera, Peter Dalhoff and Peter Gust: Teeter design for lowest extreme loads during end impacts
Wind Energy (2017)
Schorbach, Vera: Pendelendanschläge bei Zweiblatt-Windenergieanlagen.
Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 1 Nr. 433. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2016. ISBN 978-3-18-343301-8, ISSN 0178-949X
Schorbach, Vera, Roger Haines and Peter Dalhoff: Teeter end impacts: analysis and classification of most unfavourable events.
Wind Energy (2015)
Schorbach, Vera, Peter Dalhoff and Peter Gust: Taming the inevitable: significant parameters of teeter end impacts.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 524. No. 1. IOP Publishing, (2014)
Dalhoff, Peter, Vera Schorbach und Peter Gust: TwoBladed Offshore Wind Turbines, State of the Art and Prospects
Proceedings of the Conference on Maritime Energy, Hamburg (2013)
Schorbach, Vera und Peter Dalhoff: Two Bladed Wind Turbines: Antiquated or Supposed to be Resurrected ?
Proceedings of the EWEA Conference, Copenhagen (2012)