Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is hosting an international online workshop, AI in Teaching Around the World, on November 22, 2024 from 09:00 to 12:30 CET. This event will explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence on education, data literacy, and international collaboration.
Participants of the workshop AI in Teaching around the world will hear from leading experts worldwide, including speakers from Germany, the United States, China, South Africa, Spain, Netherland and Finland. The speakers share insights on chances and challenges of using AI-driven tools in higher education. The workshop features presentations, panel discussions, and an interactive session focused on AI’s applications in modern education, providing an excellent platform for exchanging innovative ideas and practices. The workshop is open to the public and especially geared at educators, students and researchers.
This event is part of the working package Data Literacy and Use of Artificial Intelligence led by the Faculty of Design, Media and Information within the DAAD funded project HAW.Resilient. This project focusses on building resilient, internationally connected educational environments.
Join the workshop using the QR code. For more details, please contact Prof. Dr. Tessa Taefi and Li Lou at li.lou (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.