Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development

Mon, 2 Oct 2023 – Wed, 4 Oct 2023
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States

Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development: North American and European Perspectives on Sustainability in Higher Education

Scientific, cultural, and diplomatic relations between Europe and its partners in North America are very strong. From a scientific point of view, this long-standing cooperation has taken place across a wide range of subject areas. They include the field of sustainability, where North America and Europe are working hand in hand, seeking solutions to the many regional and global problems currently faced. 

The Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development: North American and European Perspectives on Sustainability in Higher Education is being organised against this background in order to facilitate a wide-ranging discussion on the contribution of higher education institutions from both sides of the Atlantic towards a more sustainable future.

The symposium will provide an opportunity for North American and European sustainability experts to meet, present their work, interact, and network.  As a long-lasting documentation of their works, the experiences of the presenters will be documented and promoted in the book "North American and European Perspectives on Sustainability in Higher Education", to be published by Springer Nature. This is part of the World Sustainability Series, the leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to sustainable development. All papers submitted will be subject to the standard peer-review procedures.

The symposium is an unprecedented event, mobilising the scientific communities in North America and Europe working on sustainable development in higher education. 


Scientific Committee




Cooperating Partners




Target groups


Unique feature of the event


Theme clusters




How to attend the Symposium: submission of abstracts


Registration and Fees



All questions related to the papers and registrations should be sent to:

Lais Trevisan
Lais.VieraTrevisan (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de or
FTZ-Events (at) hamburg (dot) de

All logistical questions related to the Symposium should be sent to:

Rebecca Fowler
Office of Sustainability 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
rfowler (at) mit (dot) edu
