World PhD Students Climate Change Summit 2022

Wed, 9 Mar 2022, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The PhD students currently working on matters of related to climate change , will be the ones leading future trends in a 2030-2050 scale, when they will occupy key roles in academia, industry and other sectors. It is therefore vital that they get the best possible training. One important component of this training, is the interaction and exchange of information among their peers. Unfortunately,  many doctoral students work on their themes in an isolated manner, detached from other interdisciplinary groups. Also, they seldom have the opportunitiy to present and discuss their works with international PhD students and experts from outside their organisations. Yet,  much could be achieved by such an interaction. It is on the basis of the need to address this gap, that the World PhD Students Climate Change Summit 2022 is being organised. This will be an yearly event, the first of which will be held online on 9th March 2022.

The deadline for submissions is 30th January 2022. Further information,  including a template for the presentations, will be sent to the selected candidates. Please note that the organisers may not be able to consider late submissions,  and that there is a limit on the number of presentations.

Aims of the event


How to participate


About the Organisers



Marina Kovaleva
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management“
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg, Germany
info (at) iccip (dot) net
