Application process
We have an online application process and there are different paths, depending on your status. Please see the points below for more information. We have two application deadlines for exchange students:
Winter semester (October–end of February): 30 April
Summer semester (April–end of July): 30 October
If you are applying through UAS7 or Global E3, the deadlines are earlier (see below).
How to apply as an exchange student
General application prerequisites
1. In general, there must be an exchange agreement between our university and your university; either as an Erasmus+ agreement (EU countries) or a bilateral agreement (non-EU contries; Global E3) before you can apply. Please speak with the International Office at your home university to be sure. A couple of departments allow international "freemovers" to complete a semester in Hamburg. Please see Programmes in English to see where this applies. Then an exchange agreement is not necessary.
2. You must be enrolled at your home university during the period of exchange at HAW Hamburg and provide proof of your student status.
3. You must be enrolled in the same or similar degree programme to the one you wish to complete an exchange semester in in Hamburg.
4. You must have sufficient language skills in the language of instruction (at least B2).
If you would like to take courses in English: If English is not your native language, you are not studying in a country where English is the official language or you are not studying in an English-language degree programme, you must submit proof of at least B2 English with your application. This can be TOEFL iBT (min. 85 points), IELTS (min. band 6) or a confirmation of at least B2 language proficiency from the International Office/faculty of your home university.
If you would like to take courses in German: If German is not your native language and you are not studying in a German-language degree programme, you must submit a language certificate of at least B2 German with your application. This can be a confirmation of at least B2 language proficiency from the International Office/faculty of your home university.
Application process: ERASMUS students and bilateral partners
If your university has a cooperation with HAW Hamburg, please contact your International Office or Education Abroad Office to apply for a place as an exchange student. They will nominate you for a semester in Hamburg. Here is a list of our university partners if you are not sure:
The application process is an online application process. Once you have been nominated by your International Office and are in our system, you will automatically be sent the link and more information about what to do. You will be required to complete and upload the following:
- Your personal details
- List of courses you want to take in Hamburg (preliminary course selection)
- Application form for student housing (if available)
- Health insurance form (students from non-EU countries only)
- Proof of sufficient language skills
- Design students should also send a small portfolio of their work as a pdf
NOTE: Erasmus students: It is only possible to take classes in the field in which your university has a bilateral agreement – for example, if the Erasmus agreement is with the Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering you cannot take classes in the Dept. of Computer Science.
After you submit your application, the Student Exchange Coordinator will process and confirm (or reject) your application. This process can take up to four weeks after the deadline, so we ask you to be patient. You will be informed by email. If you are offered a place, you then have to pay the semester contribution to complete the process.
Application proccess: UAS7 and Global E3
1. UAS7: HAW Hamburg is part of UAS7, a German consortium of universities of applied sciences. In addition to the UAS7 exchange agreements with Drexel University, the University of Pittsburgh and SUNY-Albany, this consortium offers a limited number of places to excellent students who do not study at a bilateral partner of the HAW Hamburg. You must apply through the UAS7 Office in New York for the SIP, IP or SP programme. For more information: UAS7 website
Application deadlines:
Winter semester: 15 February
Summer semester: 1 October
2. Global E3: HAW Hamburg is a member of the Global E3 network, which promotes exchanges for engineering students. If your university is also a member, you can apply to study with us through Global E3. For more information: Global E3 website
Application deadlines:
Winter semester: 1 March
Summer semester: 1 October
If you are accepted by HAW Hamburg for either of the above programmes, you will be registered in our online application system and receive a link by email. You can then complete the application process by uploading the necessary documents and paying the semester contribution.
Application process: Freemovers
1. Programmes in English: Unfortunately, due to the limited number of spaces, we are only able to offer freemovers the option to study abroad with us in the following areas:
- Biotech and Environment (Faculty of Life Sciences)
- Nutrition and Health (Faculty of Life Sciences)
- Mechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)
2. Programmes in German are generally open to freemovers, subject to class capacity and the applicant's qualifications.
Application process
Please write to the Student Exchange Coordinator for the Faculty where you are interested in studying (see 'Contacts' below), stating clearly that you would like to apply as a freemover. Please also state which university you are studying at, which semester you are in and which HAW Hamburg degree programme you want to take classes in.
You must be enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme at your home university and have successfully completed at least three semesters.
Together with the application form, please also enclose the following:
- CV / resumé*
- Statement of motivation for your stay in Hamburg*
- List of courses to be taken in Hamburg (Learning Agreement)
- Confirmation of student status
- Transcript of records
- Reference from a professor at your home university
- Information about your level of German or English, depending on the language of the classes you are taking (TOEFL (min. 85 points), IELTS (min. band 6); German (min. B2)
* In German or English depending on the language of instruction of the HAW Hamburg courses selected.
Your application will be processed by the Student Exchange Coordinator and she will inform you whether you can be offered a place. It usually takes about four weeks to process an application. Once you have been accepted, you will be sent a link to our online application system. You can complete the registration process by uploading the necessary documents and paying the semester contribution.
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science
Marie Graf
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Life Sciences
Jana Polenz
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Design, Media & Information
Dominique da Silva
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Business & Social Sciences
Lea Andres
Student Exchange Coordinator