Computer Science – exchange students
Computer Science is everywhere. Regardless of whether you are interested in pure science or applied software engineering or thrilled by the idea of interdisciplinary research, HAW Hamburg will provide you with an interesting choice of modules either as taught seminars with labs or as projects in internationally recognised fields of research. Excellent lab infrastructure, highly motivated professors and the beauty of the city of Hamburg will combine to give you a great learning experience.
Each summer semester (April–July), exchange students from our partner universities can gain insight into our expertise in teaching and research, by choosing one or more of the following options in English at Campus Berliner Tor:
1. Elective modules in English
Elective modules (6 ECTS credits) are offered in four different elective areas. An elective module is made up of a lecture and a lab. A range of elective modules is offered in the following elective areas:
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Systems and Software Engineering
- Cyber-physical and Embedded Systems
- Open Communication Systems
2. Elective team projects in English
Elective team projects (9 ECTS credits) are offered in two elective areas. An elective team project is a collaborative semester-long project, where teams of five to six students work independently, developing for example, an android app or control software for autonomous vehicles. The elective areas are:
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Systems and Software Engineering
3. Individual research projects in English (also possible in winter semester)
Students can also choose to complete an individual semester-long research project (6 ECTS) in one of the following research areas. Students can acquire extra credit, for example, by publishing a paper based on their research (maximum total of 9 ECTS).
- Multi-Agent Research Simulation (MARS Group)
- Smart Sensing
- Data Science
Download the module handbook for more information about the courses and projects.
NOTE: Exchange students can also add additional classes in software and hardware from theInformation Engineering programme.
Application deadline:
Summer semester (April–July): 30 October

'I have had an incredible time working on projects for my elective courses and learning how to write academic papers... contributing to the research projects in the AutoSys lab, which focuses on smart sensing robotics. The most exciting thing is, that through AutoSys, I'm presenting an abstract on the applications of the data science methods I've learned in Hamburg at the ICSOFT 2023 conference in Rome, Italy.' - Mark Carson, CSULB 2023 Read more

With the MARS research team I developed my programming abilities by learning a new language, my problem-solving skills by making multi-agent models and my professional skills by interacting with new colleagues.
Marie Graf
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science