Energy research

The CC4E's research is characterised particularly by the facility's range of expertise and the technical research infrastructure at the Energy Campus Technology Centre, as well as its close cooperation with partners from the business sector, academia and government. Its key competencies are in the following areas:

Beyond its various research areas, the CC4E is home to a very high level of project expertise – from the initial idea through the conception, application and steering phases to the actual implementation. As part of this work, the CC4E places particular emphasis on the relevant innovation management, which focuses primarily on systematic project steering and planning. It also carries out technology and market evaluations and introduces innovations into the market.

The overarching goal under the federal government's new climate protection act is the mandatory reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 65 per cent in 2030 relative to the year 1991. For 2040, the goal is a reduction of at least 80 per cent. By 2045, Germany is to be greenhouse gas neutral, and by 2050 the federal government aims to have achieved negative emissions. This means that Germany will need to capture more greenhouse gases than it emits. In order to be able to achieve these goals, the CC4E is carrying out intensive research work. Together we are doing our part to make sure the energy transition is a success.