Welcome to the EDIH for Urban Interconnected Supply and Value Ecosystems, in short EDIH4UrbanSAVE, in Hamburg. We are proud to be part of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) program, a program co-funded by the European Union aiming at building up digital competitiveness all over Europe.
We specifically aim at equipping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-caps as well public sector administrations (PSO) in the Hamburg metropolitan area for tomorrow’s challenges. Requirements for critical infrastructure are changing as we speak, and new solutions must be evaluated and implemented – ranging from general digitalization topics, matters of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, distributed infrastructure, or high-performance computing.
Hamburg, globally renowned not only for being an important European logistics and business location as well as an award-winning “Smart City”, offers both, the competencies as well as the network, to address these challenges. Our group of 6 local partners, including academia, craft, industry hubs as well as technological organizations, offer a wide range of services to our target group – and thus strengthen the innovation ecosystem in a targeted & efficient manner.
Our offers have been specifically developed to be aligned economic & geographic conditions of metropolitan Hamburg, as well as with the Smart Specialization and Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3).
Project Website: edih-hamburg.de
Project Partner:
- Hamburger Informatik Technologiecenter (HITeC)
- Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC)
- DigiHub Digital Hub Logistics GmbH
- Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
- Handwerkskammer Hamburg