
Scalable production of regenerative liquid fuels with low-temperature microwave plasma - Plasma2X

Problem Statement

Power/Biomass-to-Liquid (P/BtL) concepts can provide alternative liquid fuels with high energy density to substitute fossil fuels in mobility. The use of P/BtL fuels derived from (locally produced) electricity and biomass also enhances independence from importing fossil energy carriers. A prerequisite for P/BtL processes is the availability of carbon sources and (renewable) hydrogen to sustainably produce liquid fuels through various process steps. The so-called syngas, consisting of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, serves as the starting material for various relevant P/BtL synthesis processes. This includes not only the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis but also the synthesis of methanol.

Project Objective

The objective of Plasma2X is the development and demonstration of a new process for producing sustainable liquid fuels from raw biogas, carbon dioxide, and water vapor using microwave low-temperature plasma cracking technology. With modern membrane separation technology, syngas can be provided for the generation of renewable liquid fuels through Fischer-Tropsch- and methanol synthesis. Plasma2X's objectives include not only the scientific investigation of plant operation and product quality analysis but also the development of a complex plant control system for the recirculation of residual gases. Additionally, the project focuses on developing a system-friendly operating mode depending on renewable energies. Furthermore, the scalability of the plant network regarding deployment in an industrial scale is also to be explored.


The project begins with the modeling of the plant concept and the development of individual subprocesses including plasma cracking, membrane separation technology, Fischer-Tropsch, and methanol synthesis. The integration of these subprocesses into an overall plant network takes place at the project partner Hereon in Geesthacht. The test operation will provide initial insights for iteratively adjusting the model. Simultaneously, future potentials of the innovative Plasma2X technology path can be derived.

The Plasma2X project, with a total funding volume of 7,155,146 euros, is 85.4% funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs as part of the overall concept for renewable fuels. The funding guideline for the development of renewable fuels is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by the project sponsors VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH and Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (Agency for Renewable Resources).

In cooperation with
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon GmbH
iplas Innovative Plasma Systems GmbH
Polymer Reactor Technology GmbH
atmosfair gGmbH
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency