CamPuls – Student health
What began as the CamPuls research project has now come much closer to being a student health management (SHM) programme. The aim of the SHM programme is to promote, develop, and drive student health at HAW Hamburg. Put briefly, it is about ensuring that students at the university feel healthy and well. To achieve this, the CamPuls Team is working to transform HAW Hamburg into a health-promoting university in the long term. It is orienting this work on the 10 quality criteria outlined by the Working Group on Health-promoting Universities.
CamPuls offers various programmes that not only support student health and study success but are also fun! The team works closely with internal university partners such as Studierendenwerk, the University Sports Association (Hochschulsport), the Students' Union (AStA), etc. and aims to link already existing offers. Central to its work is the idea that students themselves be integrated as project participants. In its initial project phase, CamPuls was funded by the Techniker health insurance company. It is currently funded by the AOK Rheinland/Hamburg health insurance company.
Information materials
The CamPuls research project began in 2019. Since then it has carried out numerous events, workshops and challenges. We've also been able to initiate a number of projects at the university – for example, the training of mental health first-aiders.
We support you during your studies so that it's possible to study healthily and successfully. Alongside our programme of events and training for you, we also work intensively as part of networks within and outside the university in order to enhance the university's health promotion efforts.
Want to stay up to date? Have a look at our Instagram account @campuls_haw. It's worth it.
It is also possible to register for various events and programmes on this page.
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Wolf Polenz
Project head
Ulmenliet 20, Room 0.31
21033 Hamburg
T +49 40 428 75-6248
campuls (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

CamPuls on Instagram CamPuls on Instagram