Arthuriana : the quarterly for the International Arthurian Society

Availability: not accessible
Fulltext available since: Volume 4 , H. 1 (1994)
Publisher: International Arthurian Society - North American Branch, Project MUSE
ZDB-ID: 1480661-7
Tag(s): Englische Literaturgeschichte, Alt- und Mittelenglisch
E-ISSN(s): 1934-1539
P-ISSN(s): 1078-6279
Appearance: Fulltext, online and print
Costs: subject to fee
Comment: Fall 1995 (5.3) and Winter 1995 (5.4) are available as HTML documents to be viewed on your browser. Later issues are Adobe Acrobat files. The e-subscriptions are for individuals only; no institutional subscriptions available. Ab Vol.4.1994 auch über Project Muse zugänglich.
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