How the tutorials work

In 10 sessions of 1.5 hours each, two tutors work with a group of maximum 20 students. Through the work in a group of this size, students have the chance to get to know one another. This quickly leads to a good atmosphere in which all members of the group can actively participate in the tutorial. This makes it easier even for the less outgoing students to be part of the group.

At the beginning of each session, students have the opportunity to pose questions and talk about any issues they might have. The tutorial topics are then covered. These topics are selected from the existing list by the first-semester students and the tutors; however, they can be expanded if necessary.

Each session consists of an opening, work, and concluding phase.

Become a tutor

Did you get off to a good start with your studies? Curious? Do you want to work with us? 

Then here's some information for you:

  • Your duties as a first-semester tutor: As a tutor you will prepare each unit with your partner. You moderate the session and do any follow-up work required. The topics will mostly be agreed on in advance, but how you cover them is up to you. As a tutor you are the main contact person for the first-semester students. This is a lot of fun, but also a lot of responsibility.
  • Training and support: You will attend the training sessions and ongoing events for first-semester tutors.

As a tutor, you will receive comprehensive support in carrying out the first-semester tutorial. Before the tutorials start, an intensive three-day training session will cover the following points:

  • Working with groups
  • Learning to study
  • Moderation and leadership
  • Presentations and presenting information visually
  • Seminar methods
  • Tutorial topics
  • Practical training

The ongoing programme of events for tutors is also mandatory and consists of preparatory meetings, feedback visits, supervision and individual coaching.

What working as a tutor offers

In addition to payment of €950 over four months, you also receive a certificate at the end of the course for your participation in the training and for carrying out the tutorials.

The first-semester tutorial also offers the following benefits:

  • You'll get to work as part of a team of enthusiastic and committed tutors.
  • You'll make contacts outside of your semester group.
  • You'll acquire and develop important skills (presentation and moderation skills, cooperation and team-work experience, and flexibility).
  • You'll get a detailed behind-the-scenes look at the university.
  • You might benefit yourself, even as an experienced student, from addressing the topics covered in the tutorials.


Are you

  • enthusiastic and committed,
  • in your second semester or higher,
  • keen on working with groups,
  • interested in gaining experience reflecting on your own study and exam behaviours,
  • generally communicative, curious and open?

If yes, we look forward to receiving your application, which should include the following:

  • Your degree course
  • A brief description of why you'd like to be a tutor
  • A short CV

We'll contact you to follow up.

Please send applications for tutorials in the Department of Autmotive and Aeronautical Engineering to Dipl.-Ing Dipl.-Päd. Regina Abraham.

Please send applications for tutorials in the departments of Design, Media Technology, and Nursing and Management to Dipl.-Päd. MBA Marko Heyner.

Please send applications for tutorials in the Faculty of Life Sciences to Dipl.-SozPäd. Dipl.-Päd. Katrin Hassel.