Prof. Dr. Mauricio de Campos Porath

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management
Professor für Produktionstechnik/Messtechnik

Berliner Tor 21
20099 Hamburg

Room 114




  • Fertigungsmesstechnik
  • Qualitätsmanagement
  • Fertigungstechnik

Focus areas/Expertise

  • Koordinatenmesstechnik
  • Large Volume Metrology
  • Mikromesstechnik
  • Industrielle Computertomographie
  • Messunsicherheit
  • Kalibrierung
  • Roboterkalibrierung
  • Zuverlässigkeit

Offices held/Professional memberships

Reviewer für wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrifen

  • Precision Engineering (seit 2015)
  • Measurement (seit 2017)
  • Measurement Science and Technology (seit 2017)
  • Optics and Lasers in Engineering (seit 2020)
  • Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (seit 2020)
  • Sensors (seit 2021)

Mitglied im Kompetenzkreis Industrievermessung (seit 2023)

Stellvertretender Studiengangskoordinator B.Eng. Maschinenbau (Fertigungstechnik) im Shanghai-Hamburg College (seit 2024)

Mitglied des Fakultätsrat TI (seit 2023)

Mitglied des Studienreformausschusses MuP (seit 2024)

Short bio


  • Dr.-Ing. Maschinenbau (RWTH Aachen, 2009)
  • M.Sc. Produktionstechnik (RWTH Aachen, 2004)
  • B.Sc. Maschinenbau (UFSC, Brasilien, 2002)


  • Professor (HAW Hamburg, seit 2022)
  • Professor (UFSC, Brasilien, 2013-2022)
  • Entwicklungsingeur / Messtechnik Koordinator (CERTI, Brasilien, 2008-2013)
  • Doktorand (Carl Zeiss IMT GmbH, 2005-2008)
  • Studentische Hilfskraft (WZL, RWTH Aachen, 2002-2004)
  • Messtechniker (CERTI, Brasilien, 1996-2002)


Veröffentlichungen in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften (peer-reviewed)

Porath, M.C.; Gross, C.F.D.; Eger, J.S. Experimental-numerical approach to the estimation of uncertainty in robot pose measurement. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1826, p. 012073, 2021.

Fernandes, C.; Almeida, A.; Wolf, F.G.; Porath, M.C. Measuring inner diameter of capillary tubes. Journal of Physics. Conference Series v. 1826, p. 012018, 2021.

Eger, J.S.; Porath, M.C. Comparing two experimental procedures for multi-position calibration of a MEMS-type IMU. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1826, p. 012071, 2021.

Simão, I.T.; Porath, M.C.; Beckert, S.F. A procedure for assessing geometrical accuracy of selective laser melting processes with standard parts. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1826, p. 012067, 2021.

Travassos, X.L.; Grubsic, S.; Porath, M.C.; Souza Filho, A.L. A case study on electromagnetic field assessment and uncertainty evaluation. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1826, p. 012081, 2021.

Savedra Junior, G.C.; Porath, M.C.; Eger J.S. A leapfrogging technique to materialize long traceable reference distances for EDM calibration. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1826, p. 012066, 2021.

Porath, M. C.; Bortoni, L. A. F.; Simoni, R.; Eger, J. S. Offline and online strategies to improve pose accuracy of a Stewart Platform using indoor-GPS. Precision Engineering, v.63, May, p. 83-93, 2020.

Porath, M. C.; Simoni, R.; Nunes, R. A.; Bertoldi, A. Feasibility of measurement-assisted assembly of ship hull blocks. Marine Systems and Ocean Technology, v. 14, p. 22-33, 2019.

Porath, M.C.; Travassos Jr.; X. L.; Tilp, J. The university for the industry of the future. Revista de Extensão, v. 16, p. 145-154, 2019.

Heiden, G.; Porath, M.C. Metrological performance of iGPS in measurement assisted assembly processes. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 733, p. 1-7, 2016.

Porath, M. C.; Dolci, R.  Uncertainty of angular displacement measurement with a MEMS gyroscope integrated in a smartphone. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 648, p. 012007, 2015.

Oliveira, F. B.; Porath, M. C.; Nardelli, V. C.; Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D. Characterization and Correction of Geometric Errors Induced by Thermal Drift in CT Measurements. Key Engineering Materials, v. 613, p. 327-334, 2014.

Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C. An experimental method for assessing the contribution of the production process variations to the task-specific uncertainty of coordinate measurements. Measurement, v. 45, p. 507-516, 2012.

Nardelli, V. C.; Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C.; Niggemann, C.; Schmitt, R. Feature-based analysis for quality assessment of x-ray computed tomography measurements. Measurement Science & Technology, v. 23, p. 105006, 2012.

Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K. Kleinste Strukturen präzise erfassen. Werkstatt und Betrieb, v. 5, p. 43-45, 2006.

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K. Die Mikrowelt ertasten. Mikroproduktion, v. 2, p. 49-51, 2006.

Sousa, A. R.; Porath, M. C. A medição por coordenadas no ciclo produtivo de produtos plásticos. Plástico Industrial, v. 5, p. 152-162, 2002.

Feröffentlichungen und Fachtagungen und Konferenzen (peer-reviewed)

Porath, M.C., Hageney, T.; Mietzner, H. Improvement of geometric product specification through a priori evaluation of uncertainty of CMM measurements. XXIV IMEKO World Congress, Hamburg, 2024.

Nunes, R. A.; Porath, M. C.; Simoni, R.; Eger, J. S. Calibração e avaliação preliminar dos erros de posicionamento de uma Plataforma de Stewart. In: 4th International Congress of Mechanical Metrology (IV CIMMEC), Fortaleza, 2017.

Porath, M. C.; Simoni, R. ; Giovanoni, A. M. ; Amaral, J. R. Field evaluation of a hull block assembly process assisted by advanced optical 3D measurement systems. In: 26o Congresso Nacional de Transporte Aquaviário, Construção Naval e Offshore, Rio de Janeiro, 2016.

Heiden, G.; Porath, M. C. Metrological performance of iGPS in measurement assisted assembly processes. In:  Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia, Bento Gonçalves, 2015

Oliveira, M. D.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C. Calibração de padrões escalonados utilizando um laser interferométrico de rastreamento automático e uma máquina de medir por coordenadas. In: 3rd International Congress on Mechanical Metrology, Gramado, 2014.

Eger, J. S.; Porath, M. C.; Donatelli, G. D. Sequential multilateration technique for the determination of 3D coordinates of reference points in industrial geodesy using a high-accuracy self-tracking laser interferometer. In: 11th International Symposium of Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, Aachen, 2013.

Oliveira, F. B.; Porath, M. C.; Nardelli, V. C ; Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D. Investigation and minimization of thermal drift effects on tridimensional CT measurements. In: 11th International Symposium of Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, Aachen, 2013.

Arenhart, F. A.; Nardelli, V. C.; Donatelli, G.D.; Porath, M. C.; Isenberg, C.; Schmitt, R. Design of a multi-wave standard for evaluating the frequency response of CT measuring systems. In: 11th International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control, Cracow-Kielce, 2013.

Arenhart, F. A.; Nardelli, V. C.; Porath, M. C.; Ddonatelli, G. D. Investigation of the CT-induced spatial dispersion using a multi-wave standard. In: iCT, Wels, 2012.

Nardelli, V. C.; Porath, M. C.; Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D. Modular test parts to assess the quality of computed tomography dimensional measurements. In: iCT, Wels, 2012.

Nardelli, V. C.; Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C. Using Calibrated Parts and Integral Surface Analysis to Investigate Dimensional CT Measurements. In: International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Berlin, 2011.

Eger, J. S.; Porath, M. C.; Donatelli, G. D. Use of stationary receivers located by multilateration for the improvement of the metrological performance of indoor-gps systems. In: 2nd Internation Congress on Mechanical Metrology, Natal, 2011.

Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C.; Nardelli, V. C. Design and implementation of an application for the extracted circunferential lines. In: 2nd Internation Congress on Mechanical Metrology, Natal, 2011.

Nardelli, V. C.; Donatelli, G. D.; Ardenhart, F. A.; Porath, M. C. Uncertainty evaluation of computed tomography measurements using multiple calibrated workpieces. In: 2nd Internation Congress on Mechanical Metrology, Natal, 2011.

Neugebauer, M.; Porath, M. C.; Kung, A. Kalibrierung von Halbkugelplatten für Mikro-Koordinatenmessgeräte: Verfahren, Unsicherheitsanalyse und Verifizierung. In: 5. VDI-Tagung Messunsicherheit, Erfurt, 2011.

Jusko, O.; Arenhart, F. A.; Bosse, H.; Donatelli, G. D.; Hartig, F.; Kniel, L. K. ; Porath, M. C. Data Acquisition and Analysis of Multi Wave Standards. In: ASPE Spring Topical Meeting: Structured and Freeform Surfaces, Charlotte, 2011.

Arenhart, F. A.;  Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C. Task-specific uncertainty evaluation of coordinate measurements using multiple calibrated workpieces. In: 10th International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control, Osaka, 2010.

Oliveira, E. C.; Queiroz, C. W. T.; Guimaraes, W. L.; Ferreira, A.; Sasso, M.; Chavez, C. E.; Robertson, R.; Porath, M. C.; Lazari, R. F. Padronização de procedimentos e registros da atividade de arqueação de tanques cilíndricos verticais no Brasil. In: Rio Gas&Oil, Rio de Janeiro, 2010.

Arenhart, F. A.; Donatelli, G. D.; Porath, M. C. Minimization of the uneven sampling effects on evaluating roundness with coordinate measuring machines. In: XIX IMEKO World Congress, Lisboa, 2009.

Porath, M. C.; Imkamp, D. Ein neuartiger 2D Prüfkörper für die Abnahme und Überwachung von Multisensor-Koordinatenmessgeräten für mikromechanische Bauteile. In: Sensoren und Messsysteme, Ludwigsburg, 2008.

Porath, M. C. Calibração pelo Método de Rebatimento de uma Placa de Esferas Miniaturizada e Aplicação para a Verificação de uma Micro-MMC. In: 1st International Congress of Mechanical Metrology, Rio de Janeiro, 2008.

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K. Untersuchungen zum Genauigkeitsnachweis an einem Koordinatenmessgerät für mikromechanische Bauteile. In: VDI Fachtagung Mikro- und Nano-Engineering, Erlangen, 2006.

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K.; Schmitt, R.; Napierala, A. Hochgenaue Formprüfung kleiner Geometrien durch taktile Koordinatenmessung. In: VDI Fachtagung Form- und Konturmessung,, Stuttgart, 2006.

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K. Dimensional Quality Assurance of Micro-Mechanical Parts with a Coordinate Measuring Machine. In: 1st International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Urbana-Champaign, 2006.

Porath, M. C.; Seitz, K. Koordinatenmesstechnik für mikromechanische Bauteile: Herausforderungen und Lösungen. In: VDI Fachtagung Koordinatenmesstechnik, Braunschweig, 2005.
