Department of Information, Media and Communication

The Department of Information, Media and Communication at HAW Hamburg's Arts and Media Campus links interdisciplinary skills with media, information and communication. It offers degree courses that provide students with an academic understanding of media, information and communication while also teaching them design skills. Modern labs and cutting-edge equipment facilitate practice-oriented teaching characterised by technical innovation.
Eighteen professors and 15 academic staff members currently teach the department's two Bachelor's and two Master's degree courses.
While the Bachelor's degree courses cover practice- and project-oriented fundamentals, students in the Master's degree courses have the opportunity to further pursue their interests analytically through study projects – for example, in the areas of digital communication and management in the information and media economy.
Students in the department learn to handle and present public information responsibly. They understand media as an interdisciplinary research area which plays a central role in democratic societies.
The interdisciplinary research areas are as diverse as the department's areas of study – from the future of the library to search machine optimisation to digital news editing.
Head of department
Prof. Dr. Frederike Masemann
Professor of Journalism and Communication Science
frederike.masemann (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de