A self-driving fire engine that specialises in going up the stairs in highrise buildings to put out fires, an electric cart that garbage men in Vietnam load garbage into so that they no longer have to push a heavy wagon – although Vietnam and Germany could not be much further apart geographically, the research projects that academics at the participating Vietnamese universities (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, University of Transport Technology , Phenikaa University in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and the Vietnamese-German University) are conducting are not that different from the projects at HAW Hamburg.
And this is precisely why exchange between the two countries should be intensified, thought Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel of the HAW Hamburg Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering when he set out to launch the HaMoNee project. The acronym stands for Hamburg/Hanoi Mobile Engineers, and the project supports the international mobility of students and instructors at Vietnamese universities and HAW Hamburg. It is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of its HAW.International programme for the period 2021–2024.
Valuable contacts for both universities: seven Vietnamese professors visit HAW Hamburg
Seven professors from Vietnam recently visited HAW Hamburg for the first time. During their stay, they met colleagues here who work on topics similar to those they research themselves: sustainable mobility, self-driving vehicles, innovative vehicle designs, energy needs and alternative fuels. Getting to know one another better was a central focus of their visit. For example, the professors from both Vietnam and Germany gave presentations on their teaching specialisations and research projects. The guests visited labs, workshops and projects and obtained valuable insights into how degree courses are structured here in Germany. They also took part in an exciting professional and cultural programme outside the university: they visited Airbus in Hamburg and Volkswagen in Wolfsburg, and they went on a field trip to Lübeck.