German Thinking and British Design: A Century of Joint Work in Aerospace, 1950-2050

Thu, 5 Nov 2020, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Referent: Dr. Michael Pryce, Combat Air Advisor/Analyst, Future Projects Research

German Thinking and British Design: A Century of Joint Work in Aerospace, 1950-2050

There is nothing more international than air, yet most histories of aviation take a very national view. In this talk a contrast will be drawn between such narrow approaches and the lived experience of aerospace engineers in Germany and Britain since the middle of the twentieth century.

The detailed exploration of V/STOL aircraft, the Tornado and Typhoon programmes and the evolution of Airbus will show the ways in which German thinking about aircraft, project management and collaboration have shaped the development of the British industry.

Although recent events may seem to challenge the future of British integration with the European aerospace industry, the talk will show that the interdependence will likely continue, and will briefly explore future prospects, such as FCAS.

Mike is a Combat Air Advisor/Analyst and has worked as a contractor at DSTL in the UK. Until 2019 he was a lecturer in Defence Acquisition at Cranfield Defence and Security at Cranfield University and ran the Low Cost by Design research network.

He received a DPhil in Science & Technology Policy at the University of Sussex and an MSc in the History of Technology at Imperial College, London.

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Der Vortrag ist ein Teil der Lehrveranstaltungen zum Seminar Praxisseminar Luftfahrt (PSL) von Prof. Dr. Scholz.

Organization: HAW Hamburg, RAeS

Wegen der Corona-Krise wird die Veranstaltung als Videovortrag erfolgen. Weitere Informationen hier.
