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New cooperation agreement with the Vietnamese-German University

The DAAD-funded project HaMoNee – Hamburg/Hanoi Mobile Engineers promotes the mobility of students and instructors from HAW Hamburg and its four partner universities in Vietnam. The Vietnamese-German University, located in the south of the country, is now one of the project partners.

Vice President Dr. Hà Thúc Viên schüttelt Prof. Dr. Ute Lohrentz, Präsidentin der HAW Hamburg, die Hand nach erfolgreicher Vertragsunterzeichnung

Vice president Dr. Hà Thúc Viên and Prof. Dr. Ute Lohrentz, HAW Hamburg president, following the signing ceremony.

As part of a visit by a delegation from the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) on 3 July, HAW Hamburg president Prof. Dr. Ute Lohrentz and the VGU vice president for student and academic affairs, Dr. Hà Thúc Viên, signed a bilateral cooperation agreement. The HAW Hamburg attendees at the signing ceremony included Dr.-Ing. Thomas Flower, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; Prof. Dr. Thomas Kletschkowski, head of the Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering; and Ines Tobis, head of the International Office. Dr. Bernd Tilp, head of the VGU's International Office, introduced the VGU and outlined potential areas of cooperation with HAW Hamburg.

Since 2021, the HaMoNee – Hamburg/Hanoi Mobile Engineers project has been developing collaborative English-language course offers and establishing long-term strategic partnerships with university and industry partners in Vietnam – an idea which could potentially also be expanded to other countries in (South)East Asia. Initial discussions about the new cooperation agreement took place between representatives from the two universities at the end of 2022 in Vietnam and Hamburg. The participants were able to identify various cross-cutting topics and commonalities in both teaching and research. In addition to the establishment of a student and instructor exchange for semester-abroad stays, as well as joint research projects, the development of a double degree course in mechatronics is also planned. The cooperation partners can also imagine additional collaboration in the areas of aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science.

About HaMoNee

Students from HAW Hamburg or the partner universities who complete a semester abroad as part of the project do not have to pay study fees. They can also receive administrative support and a full scholarship for a semester stay, a short stay or an internship stay from the participating universities and industry partners. In addition to the student exchanges, regular instructor exchanges to and from Vietnam also take place.

A call for applications from HAW Hamburg students is posted at regular intervals on the HAW Hamburg website. Because of the technical focus of the project partners, the project is particularly tailored to students and instructors in the area of engineering. However, it also open to participants from other areas.

Additional information about the HaMoNee project


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Engel
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Professor of Mechatronic Systems in Chassis Engineering
Head of the HaMoNee Project

T +49 40 428 75-7902
dirk.engel (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Svenja Henseleit
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
HaMoNee Project Coordinator

T +49 40 428 75-9842
svenja.henseleit (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
