| Campus

Deutschland Ticket upgrade available

With the start of the Deutschland Ticket on 1 May 2023, an upgrade function for the semester ticket will be available for students. This can be booked now.

Zugdurchfahrt mit schnellem Regionalzug

The upgrade costs €17.67 per month and each student can book it individually. You can do this via a portal on the HVV website (Hamburg's public transport system), which students can reach using a link set up exclusively for HAW Hamburg.

The link will be active for the entire semester, which means it can also be used in June or August. The upgrade needs to be booked by the 5th of each month in order to be valid for that month. Students should be aware that it is a subscription which is automatically extended. If you no longer want to use the Deutschland Ticket, you will need to cancel it.

Please note that if your ticket is checked while you are using public transport, you will be required to show proof of the upgrade and your semester ticket (as well as your picture ID if it is not on the semester ticket).

FAQs from the HAW Hamburg Students' Union (AStA) – in German

The HAW Hamburg Students' Union is a partner of HVV and can be contacted in the event of questions. Detailed information about the procedure for upgrading your ticket is available (in German) on the HVV website.
