Climate change policies are important tools in supporting the legislative and executive branches in promoting conditions for assertive action to advance the climate agenda. Sound policies are essential for the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. But even though climate change policies are a vital component for the implementation of climate action, including the implementation of SDG13, there is a perceived need to have in-depth discussions on how they can best be designed and implemented.
Against this background, the UK Consortium for Sustainability Research (UK-CSR), Ecology and Environment Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University, the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Research and Transfer Centre at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, and the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme, in cooperation with various universities and research organisations, are organising the World Symposium on Climate Change Policies: Science and Technology in Support of Policy-Making in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
The event will be held online on Tuesday, 19 September 2023. There are thus no CO2 emissions from travel associated with the meeting.