Aeronautical Engineering

Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master's degree

Over the last sixty years, aviation has evolved into a method of mass transportation of people and goods, a development which seems set to continue into the future and which presents the industry with ever-new issues to tackle. The current crop of challenges includes improving safety and air quality, reducing noise emissions, finding and developing lighter materials and saving energy.

We equip students on our Master’s degree course in Aeronautical Engineering to meet these challenges by offering two focal areas tailored to the requirements of their future careers. These are:

Aircraft design and lightweight construction – focusing on designing, planning and producing composite fibre components which can reduce weight in aeronautical structures and therefore help maximise fuel savings

Cabin design and cabin systems – revolving around the various cabin systems available and their optimisation with regard to interactions between cabins and passengers

Good reasons to study Aeronautical Engineering at HAW Hamburg


The right course for you?


Course content and structure


Admission requirements


Application process


Questions about applications, admissions and degree courses


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