Blockchain and Smart Contracts Summer School
The project aims to offer a summer school focusing on 'Blockchain and Smart Contracts' in cooperation with the University of Rostock, the University of Tartu, and the DAAD Information Centre in Riga. The summer school will take place at the University of Tartu in September 2020.
The curriculum will be refined based on our experts' experience in the previous year. Additionally, the cooperation between the involved institutions, which have formed an inofficial research cooperation since October 2017, will be tightened. The objective of the summer school itself is to prepare Master's students for PhDs and for establishing companies in the field of blockchain.
Under HAW Hamburg's leadership, a high-quality level is assured due to the involvement of well-known and respected scientists.
For an overview of the modules offered and the BloSSom 2020 timetable, please see the official website.