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Meet one of our students

‘I had a German passport – and a dream’

Filipe arrived in Germany ten years ago, knowing no German. Since then, he’s completed a Bachelor’s degree at HAW Hamburg and is nearing the end of his Master’s. And it’s all because of Pink Floyd.

Keen to use all the opportunities that come his way: Master’s degree student Filipe Sonntag Bodenstein.

It was Pink Floyd that prompted our Master’s student Filipe, almost ten years ago now, to pack his bags and undertake the long journey from Brazil to Germany. Filipe’s life wasn’t always easy growing up – his mother, a lone parent, kept a roof over her family’s heads and food on the table with casual work. Pink Floyd’s album ‘The Dark Side of The Moon’ featured prominently in the soundtrack to Filipe’s life during this period. One of its tracks, ‘Time’, revolves around the importance of leaving your comfort zone, because life can rush by before you know it – taking its wealth of opportunities and possibilities with it: ‘Every year ist getting shorter, never seem to find the time.’

The lyrics inspired Filipe to make use of his time and live his life to the full. ‘I had a German passport – and a dream’, he recalls, explaining that his great-grandfather had been a German national who had emigrated to Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century.

I see everything I encounter as a chance to learn something new.

Filipe Sonntag Bodenstein

A new country, a new adventure
Filipe headed to Hamburg – without being able to speak a word of German. Things were sometimes a struggle initially. He had to spend two years studying for his Abitur, the German higher education entrance qualification, while learning the language from scratch. But he got his most effective German language coaching for free, while working part-time as a roadie for a street-musician: ‘I acted as driver, sold CDs, set up the equipment and packed everything up afterwards,’ he tells us, adding, ‘It meant loads of interaction with people and so I just had to speak a lot.’

In 2018, Filipe commenced a degree course in Mechanical Engineering, focusing on Energy and Plant Systems, in HAW Hamburg’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management. He is now close to completing his Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Systems, and plans to begin writing his Master’s thesis this October.

Filipe is keen to make use of all the opportunities that come his way. ‘My mother is the brightest person I know. But, as the eldest of six, she had to help out at home and never had the possibilities that are open to me today,’ he says.

He’s never been afraid of challenges, welcoming them as opportunities for growth; ‘I see everything I encounter as a chance to learn something new,’ he confides, describing his approach to life. Looking back, he observes: ‘The last ten years were tough, but there’s a certain sense of success that I draw from having managed to complete a degree in Germany.’

Vital support all round
A scholarship from Schotstek, a network for young professionals who are immigrants to Germany or come from immigrant families, gave Filipe an additional boost, enabling him to take part in coaching and a mentoring scheme and to meet CEOs of high-profile businesses. Alongside this, he adds, ‘I’d never have made it here in Germany without Bafög [student finance for German citizens], nor without unemployment benefits now and again.’

Filipe has been working for Siemens Energy for two-and-a-half years now, centring on offshore wind energy systems, and plans to apply for a place on one of the company’s sought-after graduate training schemes, explaining that, if he’s successful, he’ll get to experience ‘three departments in two years’ and that ‘[it’s] a programme for people who want to get stuck in and make a difference.’

By Tiziana Hiller

Mechanical Engineering - new English-language Bachelor`s degree programme

In the summer of 2025 our new English-language Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering will start at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. From this October, prospective students from all over the world will have the opportunity to apply for our practice-oriented, free mechanical engineering degree programme taught in the English language.
Prof. Dr. Achim Schmidt, who coordinates the new study programme, will offer online counceling appointments where he will present the curriculum contents and answer all your questions.

Online consultation:
October 16th, 14-15.00 Uhr
October 30th, 14-15.00 Uhr
November 13th, 14-15.00 Uhr
November 27th, 14-15.00 Uhr
December 11th, 14-15.00 Uhr

Link to the counceling appointment
Meeting-ID: 360 817 454 88
Identification: eRHJ6k
