It was Pink Floyd that prompted our Master’s student Filipe, almost ten years ago now, to pack his bags and undertake the long journey from Brazil to Germany. Filipe’s life wasn’t always easy growing up – his mother, a lone parent, kept a roof over her family’s heads and food on the table with casual work. Pink Floyd’s album ‘The Dark Side of The Moon’ featured prominently in the soundtrack to Filipe’s life during this period. One of its tracks, ‘Time’, revolves around the importance of leaving your comfort zone, because life can rush by before you know it – taking its wealth of opportunities and possibilities with it: ‘Every year ist getting shorter, never seem to find the time.’
The lyrics inspired Filipe to make use of his time and live his life to the full. ‘I had a German passport – and a dream’, he recalls, explaining that his great-grandfather had been a German national who had emigrated to Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century.