Number of student places doubled in the Mechanical Engineering degree course at Shanghai-Hamburg College

The successful cooperation of over 30 years between HAW Hamburg and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) is being further expanded. The presidents of the two universities implemented the conditions for doing this in the Third Amendment to the Cooperation Agreement on the Operation of the Shanghai-Hamburg College (SHC), which they signed in a joint video conference on 19 October 2021.

Following the initiation of a yearly intake in the Electrical Engineering (Automation Technology) degree course with Goethe-Zertifikat B2 (B.Eng.) as of winter semester 2020/21, the Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology) degree course with Goethe-Zertifikat B2 (B.Eng.) will now also move from a bi-annual to an annual intake as of winter semester 2021/22. This means that the number of students in each of the two engineering courses will double.

Additionally, five of the eight modules taught by HAW Hamburg in each degree course will now no longer take place in Shanghai but will instead be offered in compact form in one semester at HAW Hamburg. The resulting increase in costs at HAW Hamburg for teaching, laboratory equipment and administration will be financed entirely by USST.

USST president Ding Xiaodong praised the long-standing success of the jointly run Shanghai-Hamburg College as the ‘glowing calling card for internationalisation at USST’ and particularly emphasised the importance of this successful academic project for the formal partnership between the cities of Hamburg and Shanghai.

HAW Hamburg president Micha Teuscher highlighted the importance of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and foreign trade/international management, the three degree courses offered at Shanghai-Hamburg College, as core content areas in future relations with the People’s Republic of China. He noted that the implementation of the annual intake in the Mechanical Engineering course is a further step towards anchoring the SHC degree courses in the regular operations of both universities.

Both presidents agreed that the positive cooperation should be further intensified in future through the development of a joint Master’s degree course.

Author: Meike Rissiek   

For more information on the Shanghai-Hamburg College see
