Symposium on Qualifications, Training, Micro-Credentials and Sustainable Development

Thu, 20 Feb 2025 – Fri, 21 Feb 2025
Tallin University, Tallin, Estonia

The concept of micro-credentials in the context of sustainable development addresses the needs seen in today's rapidly evolving job market and educational landscape, where micro-credentials may contribute to sustainable development.  Overall, micro-credentials support lifelong learning by allowing individuals to gain specific skills or knowledge in a short amount of time, often tailored to evolving industry demands. This flexibility and accessibility enhance employability, particularly important in economies facing rapid technological change and the need for green skills. This opens up a wide range of education and training opportunties to a wider audience, including underserved communities, thereby promoting social inclusion and equitable access to opportunities for personal and professional development. Finally, many micro-credentials are developed in collaboration with industry, ensuring that the skills taught are directly applicable and valued in the job market. This is particularly relevant for sustainable development, as industries seek to innovate and reduce their environmental impact, requiring new skills and knowledge bases.

There is a  perceived need to foster the use of micro-credentials in the context of sustainable development. It is against this background, that the "Symposium on Qualifications, Training, Micro-Credentials and Sustainable Development" is being organised. It is hosted by Tallin University, Tallin, Estonia, and will be held on 20th-21st February 2025.

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Aims of the event


Some key topics


Format of the Symposium


Profile of participants


How to attend the Symposium


Important note on submission of abstracts


Continuing Professional Development




Publication opportunity


About the organisers





Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences
European School of Sustainability Science and Research
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management“
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg, Germany

Lais.VieraTrevisan (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

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