Prof. Dr. Carolin Floeter

Department of Environmental Engineering
Professorin für Biologie, Umweltrisikobewertung und Umweltrecht

Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg

Room N5.06

T +49 40 428 75-6105

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  • Biological and chemical parameter to assess water quality
  • Biology
  • Practical course biology
  • Applied hydrobiology and ecotoxicology
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • PharmCycle seminar: Sustainable concepts to avoid and reduce the contamination of pharmaceuticals to aquatic ecosystems
  • Environmental law

Focus areas/Expertise

Fields of research

  • environmental risk assessment
  • aquatic ecotoxicology
  • risk mitigation measures
  • environmental law
  • pharmaceuticals in the environment
  • risk mitigation measures for bats at onshore wind turbines

Offices held/Professional memberships


  • Leader of the research group PharmCycle
  • Head of biological laboratory of the Department Environmental Engineering
  • Member of research board
  • Member of faculty board
  • Member of department board
  • Member of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  • Member of German Standardization Working Group NA 119-01-03-05-03 "Marine Bioassays"

Thesis (B.A./M.A.) and PhD supervision

 PhD students

  • Kim Teppe geb. Oelkers 

    for her cumulative dissertation with the title: „Umweltrisikobewertungen von Arzneimitteln – eine europarechtliche Untersuchung der Generierung und Verfügbarkeit von Umweltdaten aus dem Arzneimittelzulassungsverfahren“ finished in the year 2021
    ("Environmental risk assessments of medicinal products - a European legal investigation into the generation and availability of environmental data from the medicinal product authorisation procedure" (2021))

    Kim received the German Study Award of the Körber Foundation for the year 2022.

    Andrä, J., Beyer, F., Cornelissen, G., Einfeldt, J., Heseding, J., Kümmerer, K., Oelkers, K., Floeter, C. (2018): PharmCycle: a holistic approach to reduce the contamination of the aquatic environment with antibiotics by developing sustainable antibiotics, improving the environmental risk assess-ment of antibiotics, and reducing the discharges of antibiotics in the wastewater outlet. Environmental Science Europe (Environ Sci Eur) 30:24. DOI: 10.1186/s12302-018-0156-y. (IF: 5.394)

    Oelkers, Kim, Floeter, Carolin (2019): The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals: Is the marketing au-thorisation procedure in conflict with the international right of access to envi-ronmental information? Environmental Science Europe (Environ Sci Eur) 31:58. DOI: 10.1186/s12302-019-0256-3. (IF: 5.394)

    Oelkers, Kim (2020): The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals - are environmental risk assessments information on emissions with respect to international and European environmental information law? Regulatory toxicology and pharma-cology (RTP) 111, 104571. DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.104571. (IF: 2.652)

    Oelkers, Kim (2021a): Is the objective of the Water Framework Directive to deal with pollutant emissions at source coherently implemented by the EU's substance-specific legal acts? A comparison of the environmental risk control of pharmaceutical legislation with the REACH-, Biocidal Product- and Plant Protection Product Regulation. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (SPC) 20, 100386. DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100386. (IF: 3.294)

    Oelkers, Kim (2021b): Transparency in product authorisation – The handling of commercially confidential information in environmental risk assessments of industrial chemicals, biocidal products, plant protection products and pharmaceuticals, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (SPC) 20, 100399. DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100399. (IF: 3.294)

  • Polina Krapivnitckaia
    (see list of publications)

Short bio

Short biography

  • Since 2011 Professor for Biology, Environmental Risk Assessment and Environmental Law,
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
  • Freelance "science and law consult"
  • Scientist Technical University Berlin, Department Aquatic Toxicology, Germany.
  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) marine ecotoxicology & environmental law,
    Technical University of Hamburg, Department Environmental Engineering &
    Research Forum for Environmental Law University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Diploma in biology, additional degree: Public law, environmental law, University of Hamburg, Germany


Recent selected publications

  • Mezler A., Teppe K. und Floeter C. (2024): Zur Zugänglichmachung von im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahren von Arzneimitteln erhobenen Daten zur Umweltrisikobewertung, Besprechung des Urt. des VG Köln v. 13.7.2023 - 13 K 5068/18. Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), Heft 9 (in press).
  • Krapivnitckaia P, Kreutzfeldt J, Schritt H, Reimers H, Floeter C, Reich M,  Kunz V D (2024): Detection and validation of common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) with a pulse radar and acoustic monitoring in the proximity of an onshore wind turbine. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0299153.
  • Schwonbeck S., Breuer F., Hahn S., Brinkmann C., Vosen A., Radic M., Vidaurre R, Alt J., Oelkers K., Mezler A., Floeter C. (2021): Feasibility Study of an Active-substance-based Review System (‘Monographs’) and Other Potential Alternatives for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Veterinary Medicinal Products, EW-06-21-127-EN-N, European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-42335-5, doi: 10.2875/94477.
  • Kreutzfeldt J, Floeter C, Lingner T, Schmitz-Beuting L, Reich M, Kunz VD (2020):
    Analytical volume model for optimized spatial radar bat detection in onshore wind parks.
    PLoS ONE 15 (9): e0239911.
  • Oelkers, K., Floeter, C (2019). The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals:
    Is the marketing authorisation procedure in conflict with the international right of access to environmental information?
    Environ Sci Eur 31, 58.
  • Krapivnitckaia, P., Kunz, V. D. and Floeter, C. (2019): Currently Known Characteristics of Bat Species Represented
    in Hamburg in Respect of Wind Turbine Casualties. 5th CARPE Conference, Valencia, Spain, 23-25 October 2019, pp. 138-145.
  • Andrä, A., Beyer, F., Cornelissen, C., Einfeldt, J., Heseding, J., Kümmerer, K., Oelkers, K., Floeter, C. (2018):
    PharmCycle: a holistic approach to reduce the contamination of the aquatic environment with antibiotics by developing
    sustainable antibiotics, improving the environmental risk assessment of antibiotics, and reducing the discharges of antibiotics in the wastewater outlet.
    Environ Sci Eur 30:24.
  • Niehus, N.C. Floeter, C., Hollert, H., Witt, G. (2018): Miniaturised Marine Algae Test with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    −Comparing Equilibrium Passive Dosing and Nominal Spiking. Aquatic Toxicology (198) 190–197.
  • Ratte M, Heseding J, Floeter C (2018): Round robin test of the use of microwell plates and Erlenmeyer
    flasks in the marine algae test with Phaeodactylum tricornutum according to DIN ISO 10253 (2016).
    Working Committee DIN NA 119 01 03-05-03 AK „Marine Biotests“ Heseding, J. and Floeter, C. (HAW
    Hamburg). Statistical Evaluation Ratte, M. ToxRat Solutions GmbH & Co. KG. 
  • Weichert, F.G., Floeter, C., Meza Artmann, A.S. and Kammann, U. (2017): Assessing the ecotoxicity of potentially neurotoxic substances
  • - Evaluation of a behavioural parameter in the embryogenesis of Danio rerio. Chemosphere (186) 43-50.
  • Einfeldt J., Andrä J., Beyer F., Cornelissen G., Kümmerer K. und Floeter C. (2017): Reduzierung der Arzneimittelbelastung in Gewässern - Das PharmCycle-Projekt.
    Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Nr. 96, 45-50.
  • Liebig, M., Floeter, C., Hahn, T., Koch, W., Wenzel, A. and Römbke, J. (2014): Risk Mitigation Measures: An Important Aspect of the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals.
    Toxics, 2, 35-49. doi:10.3390/toxics2010035.

Additional information

Current research projects

  • PharmCycle