HAW Hamburg Choir
Roughly 140 students, alumni, employees, professors and former employees sing in the HAW Hamburg choir. Uschi Krosch has been the choir director since it was founded in 2011.
In addition to the winter and summer concerts, which are each prepared over the course of a semester, the choir performs regularly at HAW Hamburg events, providing the musical part of the programme.
All students and employees who want to sing with others – or just try it out – are welcome to be part of the choir. Prior experience is not required! Male voices are particularly welcome.
Rehearsal times in summer semester 2024
"Crazy little thing called love" is the musical motto of the HAW Hamburg choir in SS 2024: love in all its facets can be heard in arrangements and compositions ranging from classical, pop and jazz to folk songs. Longing, lovesickness, infatuation and happiness are sometimes rhythmically rushing, sometimes gently moving and musically realized in very personal perspectives. The works and arrangements by Bosse, Queen, Pentatonix, Hugo Alven, Marvin Gaye, Eric Withacre and others are cheerful, thoughtful, lively and overjoyed.
The next concerts are planned for July 12 and 13, 2024.
Rehearsals start on 03.04.2024, 19:30, Alexanderstraße 1, Assembly Hall
Open rehearsals for new singers will be held on 03.04.24 and 10.04.2024.
New singers are welcome. No previous experience is required.
You need to register via the choir website, even if you sang in the choir last semester: www.haw-chor.com
Choir projects
Each semester we learn new pieces that are performed in a final concert together with professional musicians. Smaller compositions and pieces are curated and performed in summer based on a particular theme and cover a rich spectrum from jazz, to pop, to power metal.
In the winter semester the choir delights its audiences with bigger contemporary compositions, premieres of new works, or classical compositions.
Donate to the choir's fundraising society Donate to the choir's fundraising society
The HAW Hamburg choir needs money to do its work – for example, to borrow or buy sheet music, and to pay the fees of the various musicians it collaborates with. This is why the Förderverein des Chores der HAW Hamburg e.V. (Fundraising Society for the HAW Hamburg Choir) was founded. HAW Hamburg supports its choir to the best of its abilities, but smaller donations are also welcome so that we can initiate new and exciting projects each semester.
Have we convinced you? Then feel free to make a payment:
Recipient: Verein zur Förderung des Chores der HAW Hamburg e.V.
IBAN: DE46440100460170618464
All of the money goes to support the choir's activities. Because we are a non-profit society, we will gladly issue you a receipt for donations over €50. You can send a mail requesting your receipt to info@haw-chor.com.
Thank you for supporting us!
Contact information

Uschi Krosch
Choir director
Social Media Social Media