Eingereicht zur Veröffentlichung
Röben, F. Smart Balancing of Electrical Power - Matching Market Rules with Balancing Requirements
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Röben, F.; Schäfers, H.; Meißner, A.; de Haan, J. Smart Balancing of Electrical Power in Germany: Fuzzy Logic Model to Simulate Market Response.
Energies 2021, 14, 2309. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14082309
Röben, F.; Meißner, A. Market Response for Real-Time Energy Balancing with Fuzzy Logic. In Proceedings of the 2020 17th
International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Stockholm, Sweden, 16–18 September 2020; pp. 1–5.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Franz, J.; Röben, F. Market Response for Real-Time Energy Balancing - Simulation Using Field Test Data. In Proceedings of the
2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Stockholm, Sweden, 16–18 September 2020; pp. 1–5.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Stuchynska, N.; Röben, F. Liberalization of the Electricity Market in Ukraine in 2019 - Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the
2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Stockholm, Sweden, 16–18 September 2020; pp. 1–5.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Röben, F.; de Haan, J.E.S. Market Response for Real-Time Energy Balancing - Evidence From Three Countries. In Proceedings
of the 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18–20 September 2019; pp. 1–5.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Röben, F. Comparison of European power balancing markets - Barriers to integration. In Proceedings
of the 2018 15th Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Lodz, Poland, 27 - 29 June 2018; pp. 1–5.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
Röben, F.; Schäfers, H. Integration of Power Balancing Markets in Europe - Transparency as a Design Variable. In Proceedings of
the 2018 41th IAEE Conference Transforming Energy Markets, Groningen, The Netherlands, 10–13 June 2018.
(Preprint auf ResearchGate)
F. Röben, M. Köhler; India´s pathway to 100 % renewable power generation - Exploring capacity mix, costs and innovative financing tools; 11/2016;
Fraunhofer ISI; How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs for a 2-Degree Future; 2015;
GIT Releases mit DOI
Smart Balancing of Electrical Power in Germany: Fuzzy Logic Model to Simulate Market Response.
Data Analysis related to the manuscript "Smart Balancing of Electrical Power - Matching Market Rules with Balancing Requirements"