HAW Hamburg supports the statement from the German Rectors' Conference on the escalating situation in Iran.
The organisation ApplicAid was awarded the 2022 European Citizen's Prize in September. An interview with co-founder Patrik Staak.
Dr. Rebecca Sarku, a researcher from Ghana, has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's prestigious research scholarship.
How can nuclear disarmament processes be monitored? The Digital Reality Research and Transfer Centre at HAW Hamburg is developing solutions.
In September, HAW Hamburg will welcome the first Shanghai cohort for a semester in Hamburg.
In winter semester 2022/23, courses at HAW Hamburg will be starting up on campus again. We’ve compiled everything you need to know here.
Predicting the corona situation this fall: we asked Prof. Dr. Ralf Reintjes, epidemiologist in the Faculty of Life Sciences, for his assessment.
Since the Erasmus programme began on 15 June 1987, roughly 12 million Europeans have travelled to other European countries through Erasmus+.
The Centre for Migration Research and Integration Practice is an initial point of contact for prospective students who have fled Ukraine.
Mykhailo Boiko from Ukraine is a visiting student in the international Information Engineering degree course. A profile.
Starting in May, Student Center staff will be back on campus and available in person for all students and prospective students.
Masks are no longer mandatory in most indoor spaces in Hamburg. Dr. Ursula Peschke explains why FFP2 masks continued to be recommended.