| Campus

Dialogue and innovation: Hamburg's path to climate-friendly mobility

On 30th May 2024, the Berliner Tor Campus will become a meeting place for visionary thinkers and doers in the field of urban mobility. The Mobility Congress 2024 will open its doors to a broad audience interested in and committed to the mobility of the future.

Organiser Prof. Dr. Tankred Müller at the Mobility Congress 2023.

In view of the climate crisis, the limited urban space and the high greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector, it is essential to save energy and reduce emissions. At the same time, efficient and effective public transport systems and alternative means of transport must be promoted. "The transport sector accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in Hamburg - this presents us with many challenges," says Prof. Tankred Müller, organiser of the congress. "In the Hamburg metropolitan region, we are researching future-oriented solutions that show how we can achieve our mobility goals."

His colleague Vanessa Claus adds: "Car-centred mobility, as we take it for granted today, is based on an incredible level of comfort that is only possible with a wasteful use of resources. The task of engineers should be to develop sustainable and resource-saving solutions. The simple formula "Higher, further, faster or even more comfortable - simply because it is feasable" must be a thing of the past in times of heightened sustainability awareness and threatening climate change."

The task of engineers should be to develop sustainable and resource-saving solutions. The simple formula "Higher, further, faster or even more comfortable - simply because it is feasable" must be a thing of the past in times of heightened sustainability awareness and threatening climate change.

Vanessa Claus, Research Assistant, Mobility Lab

Broad range of topics

In terms of content, the congress covers a broad spectrum of mobility topics: from smaller research projects of the Micromobility Research Group Forschungsgruppe Mikromobilität to large-scale infrastructure projects as part of the route alliances for the cycle routes of the Hamburg metropolitan region Radrouten Plus.

In cooperation with Mareval AG, the ASAP ferry will also be presented, a project that is researching the use of supercapacitors on ferries and could therefore make a contribution to the energy transition on the water. The Competence Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency will be discussing how hydrogen can contribute to the energy transition on the road, in particular its potential and limitations as an alternative fuel.

The Formula Student Team at HAW Hamburg has launched the autonomous racing car "Nayra", while off the road, the technical assistance system "Shared Guide Dog 4.0" is tackling the challenges of automated navigation on pavements to make it easier for blind and visually impaired people to navigate in urban environments. The VDI Working Group Production & Logistics will be highlighting the latest advances in autonomous mobile robots (AMR). In line with this, the research group for electric mobility Forschungsgruppe für elektrische Mobilität is presenting its specially developed industrial robot "Husky", which will learn to move autonomously in a defined dynamic environment as part of the interdisciplinary research project "Testfeld Intelligente Quartiersmobilität" (TIQ).
The Mobility Congress 2024 therefore aims to be an inspiring place for dialogue and innovation, where people can collectively think about the mobility of tomorrow.

What to expect

The event will begin with a welcome from Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition, followed by exhibitions and open formats where participants can find out about the latest developments and innovations. The day will end with a networking session to make contacts and exchange ideas.

You can find the full programme and schedule of the Mobility Congress here and the registration form here.

Text: Joshua Rauss, Sergej Kluschin, Christian Wilsch from the Master's course "Project Management and Communication" in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Production with Prof. Dr Henner Gärtner

Das Formula Student Team der HAW Hamburg hat das  autonome Rennsportfahrzeug “Nayra”, auf den Weg gebracht, während sich abseits der Straße das technische Assistenzsystem “Shared Guide Dog 4.0”  den Herausforderungen des automatisierten Navigierens auf Gehwegen stellt, um Blinden und Sehbehinderten die Navigation im urbanen Umfeld zu erleichtern. Der VDI Arbeitskreis Produktion & Logistik beleuchtet die neuesten Fortschritte bei autonomen mobilen Robotern (AMR). Passend dazu stellt die Forschungsgruppe für elektrische Mobilität ihren eigens entwickelten Industrieroboter “Husky” vor, der im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts “Testfeld Intelligente Quartiersmobilität” (TIQ) lernen soll, sich in einem definierten in einem dynamischen Umfeld autonom zu bewegen. 
Der Themenkongress Mobilität 2024 verspricht somit ein inspirierender Ort des Dialogs und der Innovation zu werden, an dem gemeinsam über die Mobilität von morgen nachgedacht wird.

Was uns erwartet
Die Veranstaltung beginnt mit einer Begrüßung von Anjes Tjarks, dem Senator für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende, gefolgt von Ausstellungen und offenen Formaten, bei denen sich die Teilnehmer*innen über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen informieren können. Der Tag endet mit einer Networking-Session, um Kontakte zu knüpfen und Ideen auszutauschen.

Das vollständige Programm und den Ablauf des Themenkongresses Mobilität finden Sie hier, die Anmeldung hier

Text: Joshua Rauss, Sergej Kluschin, Christian Wilsch aus dem Master-Kurs „Projektmanagement und Kommunikation“ im Studiengang Maschinenbau und Produktion bei Prof. Dr. Henner Gärtner


Prof. Dr. Tankred Müller
Mechanical Engineering and Production Management

Berliner Tor 21
20099 Hamburg
Room 515

phone +49 40 428 75-8776
tankred.mueller (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
