Reduzierung der Arzneimittelbelastung in den Gewässern
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer, Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Fortlaufend als Forschergruppe. Die Forschungsgruppe PharmCycle ist durch das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt PharmCycle als Wissens- und Technologie-Plattform entstanden.
Mezler A., Teppe K. und Floeter C. (2024): Zur Zugänglichmachung von im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahren von Arzneimitteln erhobenen Daten zur Umweltrisikobewertung, Besprechung des Urt. des VG Köln v. 13.7.2023 - 13 K 5068/18.
Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), Heft 9, 477-480.
Susanne Schwonbeck, Franziska Breuer, Stefan Hahn, Carolin Brinkmann, Agnes Vosen, Marija Radic, Rodrigo Vidaurre, Joseline Alt, Kim Oelkers, Adrian Mezler, Carolin Floeter, Feasibility Study of an Active-substance-based Review System ('Monographs') and Other Potential Alternatives for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Veterinary Medicinal Products, EW-06-21-127-EN-N, European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-42335-5, DOI: 10.2875/94477.
Einfeldt J., Andrä J., Beyer F., Cornelissen G., Kümmerer K. und Floeter C. (2017): Reduzierung der Arzneimittelbelastung in Gewässern - Das PharmCycle-Projekt.
Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Nr. 96, 45-50.
Andrä, A., Beyer, F., Cornelissen, C., Einfeldt, J., Heseding, J., Kümmerer, K., Oelkers, K., Floeter, C. (2018): PharmCycle: a holistic approach to reduce the contamination of the aquatic environment with antibiotics by developing sustainable antibiotics, improving the environmental risk assessment of antibiotics, and reducing the discharges of antibiotics in the wastewater outlet.
Environ Sci Eur 30:24.
Oelkers, K., Floeter, C (2019). The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals: Is the marketing authorisation procedure in conflict with the international right of access to environmental information?
Environ Sci Eur 31, 58.
Oelkers, Kim (2019): The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals - are environmental risk assessments information on emissions with respect to international and European environmental information law? In: Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP. DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.104571
Oelkers, Kim (2020): The accessibility of data on environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals - are environmental risk assessments information on emissions with respect to international and European environmental information law? Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology (RTP) 111, 104571. DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.104571.
Oelkers, Kim (2021a): Is the objective of the Water Framework Directive to deal with pollutant emissions at source coherently implemented by the EU's substance-specific legal acts? A compari-son of the environmental risk control of pharmaceutical legislation with the REACH-, Biocidal Prod-uct- and Plant Protection Product Regulation. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (SPC) 20, 100386. DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100386.
Oelkers, Kim (2021b): Transparency in product authorisation – The handling of commercially confi-dential information in environmental risk assessments of industrial chemicals, biocidal products, plant protection products and pharmaceuticals, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (SPC) 20, 100399. DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100399.