FEA - CAD - Biomechanic - Biosystem
Department Maschinenbau und Produktion
Ph.D. candidate
Stiftstraße 69
20099 Hamburg
9-16 Monday to Friday
FEA - CAD - Biomechanic - Biosystem
Numerical methods of mechanics
1) Member of the scientific and student association of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Karaj, Iran
2) Member of Iran Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering System Organization with Engineering System Number: 0109813909
3) Reviewer of the international journal of advanced biological and biomedical research
4) Reviewer of the Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
5) Reviewer of the current journal of applied science and Technology
6) Reviewer of Engineering Mathematics (ENGMATH)
7) Member of the Association of Mechanical Engineering, Hamburg, Germany
Simulation of the structural regeneration of the Femur Using Constrained Optimization with ANSYS Workbench
Ph.D. :
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and Hamburg University of Applied Science
University of Tehran
University of Tabriz
Congress & Presentations:
1) 1st national congress of biosystem engineering and Mechanization of Iran, Hamadan. 2018. Hamadan, Iran.
2) Istanbul international modern scientific research congress. June 4-5, 2021. Istanbul, Turkey.
3) 1st International Conference on applied physics. August 17, 2021. Ankara, Turkey.
4) Ankara multidisciplinary studies congress. December 3-7, 2021/ Ankara, Turkey.
4th International African conference on current studies of science, technology & social science. October 20-22, 2021. Bani
Waleed University, Libya.
6) MDPI in 1st International Online Conference on Agriculture - Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology. March 3, 2022. Basel, Switzerland.
7) Workshop des DVM-Arbeitskreis Zuverlässigkeit von Implantaten und Biostrukturen 29. und 30. September 2022 – Rostock
8) 2nd international conference on scientific research. October 21-23, 2022. Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, Turkey.
9) MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture - Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology Research achievements and challenges. 1–15 Nov. 2023. Basel, Switzerland.
1) Ehsan Sheidaee & Pourya Bazyar. 2018. A review of the applications of non-visible X-ray imaging and infrared spectroscopy in the non-destructive evaluation of pomegranate quality (In Persian).
11th national congress of mechanic biosystem engineering and Mechanization of Iran. Link:
2) Pourya Bazyar and Ali Jafari. 2020. An overview of designing Barberry harvesters (In Persian).
Promotional-scientific journal of Sanaat Sabz Novin. Link:
3) Pourya Bazyar. 2020. Introduction and evaluation of rock picker machines (In Persian).
Promotional-scientific journal of Sanat Sabz Novin. Link: https://sanatsabzsj.ut.ac.ir/article_78354_f59468aa1f572036caf24a0cf27a783a.pdf
4) Pourya Bazyar, Ali Jafari, Reza Alimardani and Valiollah Mohammadi, 2019. Small-scale head of combine for harvesting sesame.
Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities: EJPAU. ISSN: 1505-0297. DOI code: 10.30825/5.ejpau.178.2019.22.4, EJPAU 22(4), #02. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
5) Pourya Bazyar, Ali Jafari, Reza Alimardani and Valiollah Mohammadi, 2019. Small-scale head of combine for harvesting sesame.
Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities: EJPAU. ISSN: 1505-0297. DOI code: 10.30825/5.ejpau.178.2019.22.4, EJPAU 22(4), #02. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
6) Pourya Bazyar, Ali Jafari, Reza Alimardani and Valiollah Mohammadi, James Grichar. 2019. Finite element analysis of special head of combine harvester for harvesting fine-grained products.
International journal of advanced biological and biomedical science. ISSN: 2383-2762. DOI code: 10.33945/SAMI/IJABBR.2020.4.2. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
7) Pourya Bazyar, Ali Jafari, Reza Alimardani and Valiollah Mohammadi, James Grichar. 2020. Introduction and discussion about types of harvesting machines for harvesting grains with high head loss.
International journal of advanced biological and biomedical science. ISSN: 2383-2762. DOI code: 10.33945/SAMI//IJABBR.2020.123021.1279. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
8) Pourya Bazyar. 2020. Fine grain products and their harvesters (Book).
Lambert academic publishing. ISBN: 978-620-2-53060-6. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
9) Pourya Bazyar and Ali Jafari. 2018. Head of combine with the least loss for harvesting sesame consists of bowl fingers and stair chassis mechanism. Patent number and classification: 97675-A01D 41/00. (Patent). (In Persian).
10) Pourya Bazyar. 2020. History and design principles of fine and coarse grain harvester (Book). (In Persian).
Ghanjur publication. ISBN:978-622-7233-70-4. (Published). (Extracted from the M.Sc., Thesis).
11) Peyman Ziyaee, Vahid Farzand Ahmadi, Pourya Bazyar, and Eugenio Cavallo. 2020. Detection of aflatoxin by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems: a case study in peanuts.
Journal of Agronomy. ISSN: 2624-7402. DOI code:10.3390/agronomy11050873 (Published).
12) Vahid Farzand Ahmadi, Peyman Ziyaee, Pourya Bazyar and Eugenio Cavallo. 2020. Non-destructive sorting of spheroid fruits by the development of belt-and-roller machine.
Journal of AgriEngineering. ISSN: 2624-7402. DOI code: 10.3390/agriengineering2040040. (Published).
13) Ehsan Sheidaee and Pourya Bazyar. 2020. Design and fabrication of egg quality assessment system based on image processing.
Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. ISSN: 2717-8420. DOI code: 10.46592/turkager. 2021. v02i01.009 (Published).
14) Vahid farzand Ahmadi, Pourya Bazyar, Farzad Sharifat. 2020. Food processing equipment (Book). (In Persian).
Arshadan Publication. ISBN:967-399-3556-40-2. (Published).
15) Pourya Bazyar and Ehsan Sheidaee. 2021. Usages of finite element analysis in agricultural applications (Book).
GlobeEdit Publication. ISBN: 978-620-0-62641-7 (Published).
16) Pourya Bazyar and Ehsan Sheidaee. 2021. An overview of mapping and spraying drone systems using in precision agriculture.
Iksad Publication. ISBN: 625-7464-63-5.
(International Ankara multidisciplinary studies congress. December 3-7, 2021 / Ankara, Turkey)
17) Ashish Dhamanda, Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad, Muhammad Faizan Afzal, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Armghan Khalid, Muhammad Sajid Arshad, Muhammad Zubair, Muniza Javed, and Pourya Bazyar. 2021. Artificial intelligence applications (Book).
Iksad Publication. ISBN: 978-625-8423-28-0. (Published)
18) Rahim Azadnia, Ahmad Jahanbakhshi, Shima Rashidi, Mohammad khajehzadeh, Pourya Bazyar. 2021. Developing an automated monitoring system for fast and accurate prediction of soil texture using an image-based deep learning network and machine vision system. Journal of Measurement. ISSN: 2665-9174. DOI code: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.110669 (Published).
19) Mohammad Hosseinpour-Zarnaq, Saeid Minaei, Pourya Bazyar. Determination of Some Mechanical Properties of Parsley Stems Related to Design of Processing Machines. Journal of Chemistry Proceedings. ISSN: 2673-4583. DOI code: 10.3390/IOCAG2022-12338 (Published).
(MDPI in 1st International Online Conference on Agriculture - Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology. March 3, 2022. Basel, Switzerland)
20) Farzad Sharifat and Pourya Bazyar. 2022. CFD analysis of fixed fire-fighting systems inside tunnel.
Iksad Publication. ISBN: 978-625-7720-56-4. (Published)
(1st international conference of physics, Ankara, Turkey)
21) Ehsan Sheidaee, Pourya Bazyar, Mohammad Hosseinpour-Zarnaq. 2022. Special System for Classifying and Sorting Walnut Base on Image Processing. Journal of Green Reports. ISSN: 2582-6239. DOI code: 10.36686/Ariviyal.GR.2022.03.09.047 (Published).
22) Pourya Bazyar. 2022. Impacts of progressive biofuels on environmental sustainability. (Chapter).
Elsevier Publication. DOI code: 10.1016/B978-0-323-91159-7.00018-7 (Published).
23) Pourya Bazyar, Erfan MirAzimi, Shiva Ghorjian, James Ghrichar.2023 Algae-mediated carbon dioxide sequestration: From added value to climate changes reduction. (Chapter).
Springer Publication. (Under process)
24) Pourya Bazyar & Ehsan Sheidaee. 2023. Impact of advanced biofuel on sustainable agriculture. (Chapter).
Elsevier Publication. (Under process)
25) Shoaib Gholami, Saeid Minaei, Alireza Mahdavian, Pourya Bazyar. 2023. Effective parameters in the separation of Pectin by Vacuum Membrane Filtering.
Journal of Chemistry Proceedings. ISSN: 2077-0472 (Approved).
(MDPI in 2nd International Online Conference on Agriculture-Research achievements and challenges. 1–15 Nov. 2023. Basel, Switzerland)
26) Pourya Bazyar, Andreas Baumgart, Holm Altenbach, and Anna Usbeck. 2023. An Overview of selected material properties in Finite-Element Modeling of the Human Femur & Dynamic hip screws - mechanical processes and interactions in the femoral head (2 papers). Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V. publications ( Published ).
27) Pourya Bazyar, Andreas Baumgart, Holm Altenbach , Anna Usbeck. 2023. Optimization of a simplified model of the human femur with inner structure and real material properties (Preprint)
Journal of Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. ISSN: 1617-7959.
DOI code: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2377594/v1
28) Rahim Azadnia, Ahmad Jahanbakhshi, Shima Rashidi, Mohammad khajehzadeh, Pourya Bazyar. 2021. Developing an automated monitoring system for fast and accurate prediction of soil texture using an image-based deep learning network and machine vision system. Journal of Measurement. ISSN: 2665-9174. DOI code: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.110669 (Published).
29) Pourya Bazyar & Ehsan Sheidaee. 2023. Design and simulating lattice structures in the FE analysis of the femur bone
Journal of Bioprinting. ISSN: 12405-8866.
DOI code: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bprint.2023.e00326