Weitere Informationen

Prof. Dr. Eike Langbehn

Department Medientechnik
Professor für Medieninformatik


Sprechstunden :
by arrangement (via mail)




  • Mixed Reality (VR/AR)
  • 3D User Interfaces
  • Game Design
  • Interactive Storytelling



  • Study program coordinator for "M.Sc. Digital Reality"
  • Co-Director of Research and Transfer Center Digital Reality


  • IEEE Computer Society/VGTC
  • German Informatics Society (GI) Fachgruppen VR/AR, Medieninformatik

Chairs, Committees & Reviewer Activities

  • ACM VRST 2024, Program Chair
  • GI VR/AR Workshop 2024, General Chair
  • IEEE VR 2024, 3DUI Contest Chair
  • Guest Editor, MDPI Special Issue of Applied Sciences
  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Virtual Reality
  • ACM SUI 2021, 2022 Best Paper Award Chair
  • MuC 2019 Workshop Chair
  • IEEE VR Program Committee 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
  • ICAT-EGVE Program Committee 2021, 2022
  • ACM SUI Program Committee 2021, 2022, 2023
  • ACM VRST Program Committe 2023
  • IEEE ISMAR Program Committee 2023
  • GI VR/AR Workshop Program Committee 2022, 2023, 2024
  • ACM CHI PLAY Program Committee 2022
  • MuC Program Committee 2022
  • IEEE VARECo Workshop Program Committee 2019
  • Reviewer for the German National Academic Foundation (DFG) selection process
  • Reviewer for several national and international conferences and journals (IEEE TVCG, ACM TOG, ACM TOCHI, ACM GAMES, PLOS One, ACM UIST, IEEE 3DUI, ACM CHI Play, ACM CHI, INTERACT, ...)


Eike Langbehn is Professor for Media Informatics at HAW Hamburg since March 2021. His research explores (3D) human-computer interaction in narrative and playful media such as XR and games, with a focus on perceptual and cognitive aspects. He studied Computer Science in Oldenburg and Hamburg and graduated with a PhD thesis about perceptual aspects of VR locomotion at Universität Hamburg in 2019. In 2020, he co-founded Curvature Games, a Hamburg-based games studio that is specialised in narrative VR experiences. Since 2012, he has been working in the games industry as a programmer and game designer on titles for different platforms including web, mobile and VR.



A full list of publications can be found at ORCID and Google Scholar

Weitere Informationen


  • Best Technology Award, nextReality.Contest 2022
  • Best Reviewer Award, TVCG 2021
  • Best Innovation Award, nextReality.Contest 2019
  • Honorable Mention, MuC 2019
  • Best Concept Award, DIVR 2019
  • Honorable Mention, ACM SUI 2016
  • Best Poster Award, ICAT-EGVE 2015

Invited Talks

  • Lecturer at EUGLOH Summer School “Immersive Media for Health and Well-being”, 2023 
  • UX Meetup Hamburg, 2023, “Life of Illusion – The UX of VR” 
  • Universität Trier, 2023, “Walking in Circles“ 
  • Nordic Game Conference, 2022, “From Science to Game Design and Back Again” 
  • Hamburg Games Conference, 2022, “From Rift to Metaverse – How the VR Market Changes” 
  • Universität Oldenburg, 2021, „Walking in Circles“ 
  • Workshop Spatial Orientation, 2021 
  • nextReality Conference, 2021, „Frost Mortem – Bending Space without Bumping into Each Other“ 
  • Lecturer at Ubicomp Summer School in Oulu, Finland, 2019 
  • SAAI Hackathon, 2021, „AI for Interactive Storytelling in Games“ 
  • Universität Magdeburg, 2018, "Perceptual Limitations in Virtual Reality" 
  • GamesDay, HDM Stuttgart, 2017, "Redirected Walking" 
  • TU Braunschweig, 2017, "Räumliche Wahrnehmung und Fortbewegung in Virtual Reality" 
  • Quo Vadis, Berlin, 2017, “Perception: The Most Technical Issue of VR" 
  • Researching Games Conference, Berlin, 2017, "Bending the Curve: Walking in Virtual Reality" 
  • Women Techmakers Meetup, Hamburg, 2017, "VR - an overview" 
  • VR Science Meetup, Berlin, 2017, "Locomotion in Virtual Worlds" 
  • University of Central Florida, Orlando, 2017, "Spatial Perception & Locomotion in VR" 
  • PLAY Festival, Hamburg, 2016, "Prospects and Challenges of Virtual and Augmented Reality" 
  • VECTOR Workshop, Tübingen, 2016, "Perception in Virtual Realities: Distance, Speed and Time" 
  • VR Meetup, Hamburg, 2016, "Locomotion in Virtual Environments" 
  • Researching Games Conference, Berlin, 2016, "Perceptual Aspects of Locomotion in VR" 