Ulmenliet 20, Hamburg. Room S3.05
17.11.2023, 10 a.m.
10:00 | Welcome & Intro |
10:15 | Panel 1 - Pitches: Each presenter pitches their work to the audience |
10:40 | Panel 1 – Grid Integration |
12:00 | Challenges and Solutions for the Analysis and the De-risking of Large-Scale Converter System Including Realtime Demonstration Carsten Heising from Avasition |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | Hydrogen at EWE Business field: Large-scale storage and hydrogen Wilko Heitkötter and Michael Claußner from EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH |
14:00 | Panel 2 - Pitches: Each presenter pitches their work to the audience |
14:30 | Panel 2 – Role of Hydrogen in Local Energy Systems |
16:00 | Discussion round |
16:45 – 17:00 | Summary & Closing 2nd Workshop on Integration of Local Energy Systems |