This workshop is designed for intermediate / advanced (CEFR B2+) speakers of English who would like to practice their presentations skills and improve speaking confidence in an international setting, usually in preparation for an upcoming conference or a dissertation defense. The 6-hour workshop is organized in two parts. In the morning session, the group works together on questions typical for intermediate / advanced academic English users (such as recognizing patterns of grammatical error, checking for correct collocations, and identifying helpful words and phrases for presentations). We cover topics such as how to act as a panel chair and how to engage in small talk. Together, we find answers to our questions and develop strategies for improving English by using online quality language resources. In the afternoon session, participants present on their respective topics and get feedback from the group. Here, we develop skills in asking appropriate questions. We conclude by critically assessing any generative AI tools used for preparing presentations. This afternoon session – presentations and group discussion – builds on what we worked on in the morning, with the effect of empowering participants to work independently on presentations in English after the workshop.
Leitung: PD Dr. Natalie Roxburgh
PD Dr. Natalie Roxburgh is Lecturer of Academic English ("Sprachpraxis Englisch") and Senior Lecturer (tenured “Privatdozentin") of English and American Literature at the University of Hamburg (IAA). She has two decades of university teaching experience in language, literature, and cultural studies and has offered Academic English workshops at the HAW for PhD candidates / postdocs since 2013, including “Presentations Skills,” “Communication Skills for International Academic Practice,” and “Building Self-Sufficiency in Academic English.”
Die Veranstaltung ist geöffnet für Mitglieder der Hamburg Research Academy (HRA).