Symposium on Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region: Challenges, Actions and Perspectives

Fr, 08.03.2024 – Sa, 09.03.2024
Seoul National University (Korea)

Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Asia-Pacific region are critical issues due to the vulnerability of Asian countries and Pacific island nations to the impacts of climate change. These nations face rising sea levels, more frequent and severe storms, ocean acidification, and disruptions to their ecosystems, which threaten their livelihoods, cultures, and, in some cases, even their existence.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Asia-Pacific region require a multi-faceted approach that combines efforts to reduce emissions with strategies to build resilience to the inevitable impacts of climate change. International collaboration, financial support, and the inclusion of local communities and traditional knowledge are essential elements of these efforts.

There is a perceived need to document and promote experiences in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Pacific region. It is against this background that the Symposium on Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region: challenges, actions and perspectives is being organised. It will be held in Seoul, Korea, on 8–9 March 2024.

The event is organised by Seoul National University (Korea), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany and the Chair of Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
It is supported by the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) and will be undertaken in cooperation with various other organisations.

The symposium will follow the success of previous events held in Fiji in 2017 which led to the book "Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life", and in Samoa in 2020, which led to the book  "Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region"



Aims of the event


Publication opportunities


Target groups






How to participate


Important note on submission of abstracts


Registration and Fees


Continuing Professional Development



Coordination team
Symposium on Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region: Challenges, Actions and Perspectives
info (at) iccip (dot) net

Register now!
