
Statutes of the Republic of Korea

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Verfügbarkeit: frei im Web
Inhalte: The Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) is a government-funded research institute that solely provides online database of English version of Statutes of the Republic of Korea based on its experience in publishing the Statutes and administering and updating the database up to the present.The Web Service for English Version of the Statutes of the Republic of Korea (DB Service) includes contents of more than 1,400 major Acts and subordinate statues in force as well as Constitution.DB Service allows users to make different and convenient searches including Search by Alphabetical Order, Field, Government Body, Promulgation Date, and Promulgation Number as well as Search for Standard Legal Terms.Full-text of the statute in the DB is provided so that you can easily access to statutory history, texts, etc. Also, hyperlinks are added to the relevant Articles in the corresponding Act or other Acts which you can directly refer to.
  • Rechtswissenschaft
Schlagwörter: Korea, Statutes, Acts, Legislation
Erscheinungsform: WWW (Online-Datenbank)
  • Datenbank jeglicher Art mit direkten Zugriffen auf Volltexte
Verlag: Korea Legislation Research Institute