Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow

Verfügbarkeit: nicht zugänglich
Volltext online seit: Jg. 1 , H. 1 (1860)
Volltext online bis: Jg. 25 , H. 1 (1963)
Verlag: Geological Society of London ; Lyell Collection
ZDB Nummer: 2766252-4
Schlagwort(e): Allgemeine Geowissenschaften
E-ISSN(s): 2052-9422
P-ISSN(s): 0371-7224
Form: retrodigitalisiert
Kosten: kostenpflichtig
Bemerkung: Published between 1860 and 1963 the Transactions include papers by Croll, Geikie, Gregory, Holmes, Lapworth, McCallien, Thomson (later Lord Kelvin), Tyrrell, Richey and others whose seminal works provided important geological ideas. The title was eventually superseded by the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965, when the Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow merged with the Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society.
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