Current Objectives in Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS)

Verfügbarkeit: frei zugänglich
Volltext online seit: Jg. 1 (2000)
Verlag: Universität Regensburg / Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanisitik
ZDB Nummer: 2205776-6
Schlagwort(e): Kulturgeschichte Amerika
E-ISSN(s): 1861-6127
Form: Volltext, nur online
Kosten: kostenlos
Bemerkung: CURRENT OBJECTIVES OF POSTGRADUATE AMERICAN STUDIES (COPAS) is an e-journal devoted to research by young Americanists in Germany. It is conceived as an opportunity for publication in the interdisciplinary field of American Studies and an easy-to-access platform for scholarly exchange. It will attempt to link its readers and contributors to ongoing and recently completed research projects in American Studies at German universities.