BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Verfügbarkeit: frei zugänglich
Volltext online seit: Jg. 1 (2001)
Verlag: BioMed Central
ZDB Nummer: 2046490-3
Fachgruppe(n): Informatik, Medizin
Schlagwort(e): Medizinische Informatik
E-ISSN(s): 1472-6947
Form: Volltext, nur online
Kosten: kostenlos
Bemerkung: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (ISSN 1472-6947) is an online journal publishing research articles after full peer review. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. The full text of articles published in BMC are permanently archived immediately following publication in PubMed Central, NIH's archive of open-access peer-reviewed research. BMC Medical Information and Decision Making covers all aspects of medical informatics and medical decision making.
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